C1: charming psychopath

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Frank Iero.

Jet black hair - hazel eyes - plump lips - black jeans usually accompanied by a pastel colored hoodie - strong arms - intimidating - quiet - clever - perfect.

It was perfection itself.

He looked so angelic, yet it's almost like the real Lucifer, flesh and blood, decided to walk the earth.

If you saw him in the dark night, staring at you, with the smallest light coming from the moon to only make out his face and to see those eyes, you'd let him murder you with his graceful ways. He was that alluring.

Chills would travel throughout your body when he looked at you.

He was reserved, no one could have him, no one.

With the way he behaved; if you payed any attention.

That kid...

He wasn't too sane either.

He was sick. He had small, tiny tics. He kinda reminded me of myself. Everytime I would get unpleasant thoughts, usually they're called 'intrusive', I would just shake my head real quick.

He did the same, but no one seemed to notice, they were too blinded.

Everyone liked his screams. His band was his life. The way he moved his hand up and down when playing guitar would let you hypnotized, that's why nobody suspected anything. Why would they though?

He was the most popular kid in school but really shy at the same time. Don't worry, he knew how to get girls, he could get any girl he wanted.
Still, there was something weird going on. He never had a girlfriend or his first kiss.
Well, how do I know those things? He's constantly hanging out with my younger brother, Mikey. It's like they're fixated. They always come to our house and I, of course hear, by that I mean eavesdrop every single conversation they have since my room is right next to Mikey's.

And that's when it finally came to my head. Drum roll please.

He must be gay, or at least bi.

He never seems much interested in girls, maybe because they're all too easy or because he's not straight.

"I cracked the code, haha" - I said to myself and that's when I was snapped back to reality

"Gerard Way! Can you repeat what I just said?" - Mrs. Bitters yelled

"Umm - uh... sorry I must've zoned out, sorry" - I started sweating nervously, I never liked being called out or being the centre of attention

"This is the last time, next time you're heading straight to principal's office! Now pay attention, okay?" - she explained

"Yes"- was my simple answer

Okay let's get back.
What I was saying is that he might be gay. Not only because of his disinterest in girls, but because of the
looks he gives me.

You wouldn't believe it. Yeah, I know I'm not the best looking and I'm a little bit chubby, just a little bit, but here are a few examples:

We ride the same bus, not a school bus, a regular one. I caught him staring at me, not just once, but multiple times.
This one time I almost threw up in the bus because of the anxiety he was giving me.
So, I was casually riding the bus home. The bus was full, it always is, and it was really loud and I forgot my headphones, so I was looking through the window to calm myself. That is, until I saw him in the reflection.

I slowly turned my head to the left side and immediately met his stare. He was looking me dead in the eye. I pretended like I didn't see him, but the whole ride I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.
His godly hazel eyes.

I was intimidated, to say at least.

The second example is his friendship with Mikey. I feel like he's only friends with him so he could be near me. I came off looking like a total narcissist, I know, but he has a thing for me, for sure. You can't deny that little smirk of his everytime I come to talk to them when they're hanging out at our house. It's little, but it's there.

Another example doesn't exist, basically all he does is stare at me. Sometimes for a minute or two and other times he eye fucks me for a solid ten minutes.

I know I described him like a serial killer, but I know he is secretly soft. I can feel his pain, it's not too different from mine. A lot of times I overheard him tell his struggles to Mikey and I can relate big time.

He has depression and a form of anxiety from what I've heard.

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