Chapter 11: Broken Pieces Continues to Fade Away

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After what had transpired the other day in the vestibule, Genny and I haven’t mentioned a thing about what happened. I really wanted to ask her; an immense amount of questions had clouded up my mind as of late. But I just couldn’t bring myself to it. She seemed so quiet ever since, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Besides, when she’s ready to talk. Genny knows that I’m here to listen. Always, and will be. As of now, I’m in third period; stuck doing this ridiculous essay. Mr. Wilson said he wanted a six paragraph reflection on a book we just recently finished. It was our homework, every night to read a chapter. But I never found myself getting to the bottom of the book, if you know what I mean. I didn’t really plan to, although I said I was going to do better. A few minutes later, my phone vibrates in my pocket. It's a message from Genny. I wonder what she needs now.

Before I continue on as a mindless jerk, I lik to take the time 2 tell u thanx. I’ve wouldn’t expect u to b there 4 me, and I appreciate dat. So thanx again, girly. :) P.S. I hope u’re not mad at me.

“Oh wow”, was all I could say. Genny is such a worrywart. “What was that Bealy?” Mr. Wilson said abruptly. I looked up and there he was, staring coldly down at me. I could feel the prying eyes of everyone on me. “I was just checking the time. I can’t really see the clock at this angle.” “Can’t see the clock, huh?.............. You listen here, missy. There is no time for you or anyone else to be socializing in my classroom, whether it's personally or electronically. You understand me?” The expression I had prior to what he had said, was wiped off clean. I then went over to retrieve my game face, just to make it clear that I will not be intimidated by him. I mean, everyone should know that by now. We’re almost at the end of October. “I said, ‘Do you understand me?’

“Yeah yeah, Whatever. Can you get out of my face now?” The rest of the class laughed and awed in shock, while Mr. Wilson's face had redden up in rage. “Get out! Get out right this instant young lady.” I happily packed up my things and left in the class. To be honest, I didn’t feel like being in there anymore. I rather soak up my time doing something else. As I’m going down the hall, I happen to see that same guy from the art club. He seems even more cuter than when I last saw him. Slim, but not too skinny. Mysterious, but not too weird-looking either. I sigh, hopelessly at the remembrance of Kevin. Never again Bealy. Don’t forget about what happen the last time. “Life sucks, and it forever will.” I muttered under my breath and I begin to head back to the dorm. Maybe I could hang around in the lounge for a bit. I never know I would live to see the day that I would say those very words. That's how you can tell how badly I wanted to get out of here.

I pulled out my phone, and texted back Genny. I had to make sure that I reply or she's probably gonna start jumping to conclusions. Boy, that girl is funny. Bang! “Dammit man. Watch where you’re going moron!!!!” My body went clashing against the lockers quickly, I see a girl with a black, pixie cut walking briskly past me. “Violetta?” Moments later, she spun around and looked at me for a couple seconds, before she continue on down the hall. Her face grew paler than the last time I saw her. I kept on wondering if that was tears that was coming out of her eyes. The snobby ass bitch that I met in a collision course with earlier, now looks very melancholy. “I wonder what's up?” I questioned to myself. I really want to stop and see what was going but then a thought come me. Maybe... she's just having one of those days. I guess I get like that too, when the time comes. And then again, you can’t dip your nose into everyone's business. “Oh well. She needs to suck it up. ‘Can’t cry about mishaps for the rest of your life.’


 Violetta's P.O.V.

“You still continue to disappoint me.”.......

“I expect better from you, V.”............

“Try not to let me down this time, alright?”  I went to the nearest restroom as my escape. I can’t really deal with anyone right now, especially Bealy. I can tell she's laughing at me right now. I probably do deserve it for being such a prick to Genova. Urgh. I walked all the way to the last stall, close the door and sat on the floor. Alone, in silence. Ah, it's just what I need. It's probably the best way to sit and recollect, even though I don’t want to. I wish I could cut out all the bad and painful memories and be left to deal with the tranquility of everything else. I hate my life, although it seems like I’m making the best of it. But I still beg to differ.

“I gave it my all. I tried my best.”.....

“Why can’t you accept that?”.............

“Am I..... really that worthless to you?” Bang! I slammed my fist on the wall. I need to get out of here. I went over to the mirror. My hair looks disheveled. “Look at me, I’m a mess.”“Am I..... really that worthless?”  

“I didn’t said that.” He said as he was loosening his tie while walking to the kitchen. “You didn’t have to, your actions show it.” I followed after him, quickly. The front door was still left open; neither of us had the time to shut it, and the air around us grew more tense. I was on the verge of tears, but I tried not to. Babai doesn’t believe in that emotion. I couldn’t let him see me cry. I just can’t. “Violetta.... Look. You can’t go on living like a little kid. You’re the only thing I have left. How could I make you my successor, if you continue to go out and act like an imbecile!” I then looked away from him. His eyes is too powerful to look at. I’m afraid of what he's going to do next. Seconds later, Babai come towards me and places a hand on my shoulder. “I refuse to wait for you to grow up, Violetta. And I won’t let you go down this way, either.” Something deep inside was telling me to just tell him off. Just tell him off, Violetta. What’s the worse he can do? Beat you?!  Well,........... Maybe.

“(Sigh) What a father figure.” I washed my face for a couple of minutes before I gathered up my things and left the restroom. The hallways are still crowded as usual, and glancing at the clock down the hall. It was already fifth period. I didn’t realize I was in there for so long. It felt like I’ve been in there for no longer than fifteen minutes.

Violetta Raco, please report to the Dean's Office immediately. Violetta Raco, please report to the Dean's Office immediately. Thank you.

“Wow. Today just keeps getting better.”

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