The run

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. The police officer collected

Every box , every sample or hair every drop of blood , they took over 100 pictures .

As I sat lifeless , I watched my world tumble right before me . I grew up with out a father , so I guess that's where most of my pain comes from . I grew up , alone and afraid that everyone would walk out on before they even got too know me . Just like my dad , I grew up afraid of love . I grew up damaged . But the only person I had , the only person I had was now taken from me .

But who would do such a thing , every one In this town loves my mother ! She was the sweetest woman she had the kindest voice , the sweetest smile, she helped as much as she could . Who would do such a thing . Who would want to hurt my mother ? Who would want to hurt me ?

I know we aren't supposed to question God but why ! Why God why me ! She's all I had ! God please ! Give me back my mother ! God why me ! I've been alone , physically and emotionally all my life ! My Bestfriend died in a car accident , ever since I felt dead inside .

I was drowning myself in my own thoughts , where was I going to live ? with who ? Was I going

To be an orphan ? . I broke down , once again . I promised myself the day my best friend died I wouldn't cry anymore . But I've been holding everything in for so long it hurts . It all hurts , it feels like someone was repeatedly taking a knife in and out of me . I was crying so much I got a headache.. And everything was blurry . All so blurry . It was hard for me to breathe , too see . My phone dropped and I fell along with it .

Everything was black . It seemed as though I was in a room of darkness . A room that gave me chills , it seemed the only light was where I was sitting . I clutched my knees together . And covered my ears , I heard whispers , I heard my mom crying . I felt a pain in my side . I heard a voice laughing at me evilish like . The laugh faded , and faded , as did the laugh fade so did I . I woke up screaming ! was it that my fear was consuming me ?

" Rose , Rose ! Calm down ! " A nurse said grabbing me and injecting a needle a sharp metal point into my skin , clear liquid was in it .

" GET OFF OF ME ! I want my mom ! Get off of me , leave me alone ! Someone help me !! " I screamed too the too of my lungs as 5 others nurses entered the room .

" Rose calm down ! This needle is too ease

The pain ! Calm down ! Help me

Hold her down ! " the nurse screamed I read

Her name tag and it said Cecilia .

Nurses were holding me down , and I screamed

And kicked I pushed them all off of me , I removed the tubs connected too me , & I grabbed my

Phone and I ran . The hospital walls were creepy , they were all so white , they just reminded me

Of death . I was crying and running .

" whys she running so fast ?"

" Hey are you okay ?"

Then all of a sudden the speakers came on " Patient on the loose ! Code 06079"

The hospital was so cold , the only thing seemed too keep me warm was my , tears . They streamed down my face like a river bed .

Nurses from all corners came out & that's when I began to walk as though , I could try to blend in.

I kept my head down every time I passed a camera my head was down.

* splat *

I heard as I looked up .. It was Roger ... Why was he here .. .. Oh no I look like shit and he has too see me like this ?! Ugh even shittier week !

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