Heart break

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I woke up , to see that Roger had left me alone in the bed ? If he was still there I was to sore to check . I tossed and turned , my back and my things hurt like a bitch . I was pained , I was sore I could barely move . I hit myself in the face with a pillow repeatedly . " wow who the fuck does he think he is ! Hitting and quiting it ! " I mumbled too myself . I sat up and I looked around , my clothes were folded and on the edge of the bed . But there was a bag , and it had new clothes in it . I pulled it out ! Wow ! It's was so pretty . I think Roger bought it on purpose . It was a Nicki Minaj veil , with red and black laced bra and a red Robe . But why didn't he but me any underwear ... . Ugh it hurt so much too move I had too pee , so I got up And went to the bathroom . And my own reflection scared the shit out of me ! My hair was all frizzy , and my nice mocha brown skin was red , there was bite marks , hickies , and bruises left on me. Bruises in the shape of his hand . I was so sore it hurt to walk , too move . To even turn my

Head , I literally crawled to the bathroom . I turned on the water and I sat there , I filled the tub all the way up . it was nice and warm and soothing . It made me hurt a bit less . I say there and I remembered last night , just thinking

Of it gave me the chills , and made me squeal .

I sat in the shower for about , and hour and I still hadn't seen Roger . Where was he? Wait where was my phone . I lifted my arms to soap myself , and the pain instantly came back . I felt like I was being watched some how , but I ignored it . Then I finally looked up , it was Roger sitting by the door watching me clean myself . I blushed and tried my best too look up with out hurting my neck even more .

" Rose , I waited downstairs for you for and hour actually two . " he said annoyed and looking at me . And licking his lips .

" baee sorry I thought you left .." I said back in a baby voice .

" Well I was cooking and cleaning up , and you're just up here chilling with out me , matter of fact I need a shower too . " he said pulling off his shirt and pants . This nigha ain't put no boxers on , what. The . I just stared up at him as though he was crazy . I was practically unable to move my body , was he trying too kill me ? .

" Ray please , I am so sore too the point where it hurts . Why do you think I have been up here so long . To avoid moving. " I said feeling bad .

" Never said I was gunna dick you down again , I know you're sore fool . Just was gunna help you get all fresh . Plus there's room for like five people in that tub . Sooo scoot over fat ass " he said laughing and coming in but at the same time pushing me over .

" Owe " I grumbled .

" big baby ! " he said sticking his tongue out at me .

" I am not a baby ! " I said sticking my tongue back out !

" Put ya tongue back in ya mouth . Before I actually do fuck you . " he said looking at me and moving closer .

" Fuck you , I ain't no baby or no bitch " I said flicking him off .

" You was calling me baby all last night!! , and by the way you can't move. Not a good time to talk shit . " he said placing his head on my chest . Man that shit her like hell . Then I just realized how much scratch marks , he had on his back , how much hickies were on his neck . How much damage I did . He looked at me and laughed at my reaction too seeing it .

" Yup . Ya fucked me up " he said laughing . I mugged him . " fix ya face , before I fix it for you " he' said grabbing my face and mushing my cheeks . Shit man ! Does he not get I'm in pain !

" Let me go , it hurts Roger . " I complained . Pushing his hand off of me .

" ugh . " he said pulling away and just sitting silent not talking too me anymore . He glanced at me , giving me a disgusted look and then just stared down at the water and got out the tub .

" hurry up and get out so I can shower . " he said annoyed and walked out of the bathroom . And slamming the bathroom door behind him . Wow . I didn't mean too bitch but , ugh .

I quickly soaped myself , and struggled to stand up and wash my self off . I drained the water and I literally limped to the toilet seat , and I lotioned and dressed myself . Which all together probably took

Me 10 mins . Even though it hurt to go fast , I wasn't trying too piss off Roger even more . So I hurried and took the pain . I crawled out of the bathroom and I just layed on the floor . I felt so clean , so relaxed but I was hungry so I . Walked down stairs , slowly but surely to see Roger . Texting some girl from above the stair well , the contact said " 💦👅 tash 😏"my blood was boiling . And I read the convo before he noticed I was there .

Tashae - wow ! I know I saw you two on Instagram . You are so Damn sexy and popular ! How's that friend of mind doing ? 😏🍆 has it been lonely ?

Ray - yah he has , and she wouldn't even let a nigha feel up on her this morning tash !

Tashae - If only 😩😍.

Ray - if only what ?😏

Tashae - if I could put it down I would !

Ray - hell .. Slide tomorrow 😍😩 . Make a nigha happy .

Ray - 10 p.m tomorrow come over . I'll make sure Rose isn't here . We don't even date anyway .

Tashae - so soon , and Wym by that ?

Ray - just come . K I 😏💦👅👅.

Tashae - okay .

His phone continued to ring and it disturbed me too know just yesterday I lost my v card too him and he's already planning on cheating on me .!

I wanted go knock his head right off his shoulders . I was mad and sad all together . I quickly moved before he noticed I stood above him . I walked down , and tried to play it off . I was trying my best not to cry. I wore what he bought for me . I looked sexy in it . My shape was perfect and I guess Tashae was prettier than me so what's the point .

" Roger ?" I said tryin to hide the pain in my voice

. He ignored me . " Rogerrrr ? " I said again . This time he ignored me but he glanced back as though he was disgusted again he skinned up his face . And I just walked right back upstairs put on my clothes not the ones he got me . I ransacked every corner searching for my phone . And I found it , I guess it was dead so I just walked back down stairs all droopy and I called him one last time .

" Ro-" he cut me off

" What the fuck do you want ? Huh ?! " " don't call me and not speak ! WHAT DO YOU WANT ! You BITCH ABOUT ALOT . GET THE FUCK OUT . " he said angrily , pointing to the door . and turning still texting , Tashae I assume . With his phone in his hands . I just looked at him in the eye as tears welled up in my eyes. He just turned around and his phone started ringing so he left the room .

I was in pain , I was sore . I guess he was just a hit it and quit it . Type of guy .

. So I walked out the door , as I walked I cried like a baby . People driving by stared . But I didn't care . and It seemed like id take forever to get home . I hadn't been there in days . I was afraid yet unafraid . I was less worried about my mom . And I think I was about to experience unlit mate heart break . In about and hour , I reached home . And everything was clean and organized . So I just sat and turned on my television . I realized my phone wasn't dead when I clicked the button , it turned on .

Too my surprise I had 56 missed calls

From the police station . And 15 messages , and 150 notifications from the pic I posted of Roger and I on Instagram . I quickly dialed 911 back , and an officer said they would come and pick me up . But I opened the door and too my surprise ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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