Chapter 5

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"I don't understand what happened" Niall asked as we all sat on the couch with our bowls of ice cream.

"You said Harold here wanted me so I came by and he was slobbering on the floor crying for me" Louis said as he and Niall laughed at me. "But I don't know harry I don't know if I can do this."

With those words Louis stood up and walked away, again my heart ached.

"Do you dare defy and go against my word Harold" Louis said in a husk voice.

"I'm so sorry Louis, I promise I will never do it again, it's not my fault she came at me. What do you expect me to do" I exclaimed.

"Well as my lover I expected you to ignore her but as my husband I expected you to listen when I told you no" he was right I shouldn't have kissed that women...

"Harry what are you doing" Niall asked waving a hand in front of my face, "go after him."

I get up and run off in the direction Louis had went minutes ago letting the memory slip my mind. As I'm looking for Louis I feel tears running down my face, why am I always ruining stuff with him. Why does he have so much control over me.

"Just go home Harry" Louis exclaimed and continued walking away.

"I'm trying too" I say crying now. Louis stops and turns towards me, he looks into my eyes.

"Oh Harold, I'm not your home anymore" Louis jabs me in the heart with those words, I fall to the ground. I feel as if I can't breath.

"Why not, why can't you see that I'm trying my hardest, that I'm.." I trail off tears running down my face, "that I'm so in love with you that it physically hurts me, that you are my home you are my whole entire world." 

"Harold listen I can't be what you want me to be anymore. I can't be your secret" he says staring into my eyes, his eyes were so beautiful.

"But you won't be I told you, I will tell everyone if you give me the chance" I say wiping the tears from my face, I reach for my phone, where did I put it?

"When you do that I will come back" Louis says walking away. Where did I put my phone? One tweet and he will be mine but I just need to find my phone.

"Harry" a unfamiliar voice calls out, I turn to look it wasn't anyone I knew, "are you okay" the person asks.

"Well no not really I've lost my phone, I'm sorry who are you" I ask trying not to sound rude.

"Oh I'm sorry my name is Leslie, I'm a reporter I was covering a story, well more specifically I was trying to sneak around and figure out who the mystery girl was" she says looking in the direction Louis just went.

"Well then maybe you can get your story after all, and I can get him back" I say and before I have moment to think I hear her gasp.

"Him" she exclaims.

I sit there for hours telling her all about Louis telling her everything she wanted to know. I smile as I remember holding him, as I remember every part of him. I can't help but be happy because this could be it, I could have him back tomorrow. I tell her about the short man that stole my heart and made it whole, the man that made me realize what love was. The man that could make me smile even on my worst days, the man that I loved with all my heart. She looks to be crying when I get done speaking. 

"That's beautiful Harry" she says looking towards me.

"He's my world and I can't believe I ever let my reputation destroy something so beautiful" I say crying again. This was it, this was the moment I've been waiting for.

"If you don't want me to write this story I won't I respect your wishes" she exclaims, it's weird to find a reporter that's honest and willing to give up a huge story a story that would make her career. I think for a minute I know I want Louis back it's just hard to even think what the people would say about this. 

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