Keomi's Game Night Pt. 2 (C) Aoi/Kinshiro

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A moment later, I felt my body squished against the wall as two people were forced into the small compartment.

"Damn it! Get your elbow out of my rib cage, Aoi!" I winced as I tried twisting my body away. I knew he was one of the people by the scent of his incense.

"I would if Kin would move a bit." Grunting, Aoi pushed me more into the corner as he attempted to shove Kinshiro away from him.

"I'm trying!" Clearly irritated, Kin struggled against Aoi. After a bit of struggling and moving, I found myself between them in a very close manner. My back was pressed against Kin's chest while me and Aoi were chest to chest. It was warm with an extra person in the box, but that wasn't the only reason. Kin had his hands on my waist , resting comfortably while Aoi had his arms wrapped around my torso, holding me close. I couldn't find much to complain about.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about for our remaining four and a half minutes." I tried looking up at Aoi, but due to how dark it was, our noses ended up touching.

"I'd like to address what you and Makoto were discussing. Are you actually considering joining the Nagasaki vigilantes?"

"Kin, are you serious? Of course I'm not. I'm not even considering it." Turning my head, I reached up to pat his head in reassurance. A blush crept up when I felt his warm breath on my cheek. Flashes of the night at the inn with Makoto flashed through my head as I turned away from him. It was then that I realized that I hadn't had sex with either of them while we were all sober. Aoi and I were drunk while Kin and I were under the influence of a very strong aphrodisiac. I guess that was a good thing. I worked with these two daily. We may have all been adults, but mixing work with pleasure wasn't the best decision.

"Good. Your place is in Edo. With us." Aoi's arms tightened around me.

"I know. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Yeah, I'm looking forward to going to Nagasaki for a month, but I'm mostly excited to come home. I miss Kyokatei. I miss the tea house. I just miss my regular schedule." I smiled as I remembered how relaxed my life was.

"I'll return to doing your hair before work."

"It'll be nice to have you home again. You'll definitely be missed during your month away." Kin sounded a bit sulky.

"Of course it'll be good. We'll all be together again. No offense to the Nagasaki guys, but they aren't you. I like them and all, but they don't compare to my Edo men. I'll be home before you know it."

"Obviously. They don't have anything on us." Pleased, Aoi pulled me against him more. There was now less space between our already close bodies.

"Don't hog her, Aoi." Pulling me back against him, Kinshiro tightened his hold on my waist.

"I can't hog her in a space this small. Well, I could if you left." I couldn't tell, but it sounded as if Aoi was glaring.

"Why should I leave? I'm the leader." Taking on a defensive tone, Kin maintained his hold as Aoi tried pulling me to him.

They kept tugging on me for a minute until Aoi spoke up. "I bet I can make Keomi chose me."

"So can I. Before you." Even in the dark, I could sense their faces approach mine.

What the hell are they thinking!?

I instinctively ducked my head, just as the door opened, filling the room with light.

"Now that's a sight." Sion sounded amused as he looked inside.

I heard Ukyo laugh as he let out a whistle.

Looking up, I saw Aoi and Kinshiro's lips locked together, shock on both of their faces. They pulled apart abruptly, wiping their mouths off.

"I imagine there's a story to go with that picture?" Asagi helped me out of the box.

"I can't wait to hear this one." With his cheek red, my hand print clearly visible, Makoto smirked at the pair.

"How surprising." Yuzuki shared a grin with Hotaka who was laughing hard enough to double over.

"I never expected... to see that..." Kagura's green eye was wide.

"The two of you should not have put Keomi between you if you were planning on being that... close." Though he sounded stern, I noticed a blush upon Shintaro's cheeks.

"Natsume, maybe this would make a good story for you." Even Wakasa was chuckling at his friend.

Chuckling, Natsume gave Aoi and Kinshiro a smug look. "Good idea. I'll make it very descriptive. Can you two hug again so I can make sure I write your embrace accurately? A good author captures the passion."

"Keomi, are you alright? I'm sure you were uncomfortable being stuck between those two like that." Eduard gave me a sorrowful look.

"I'm perfectly fine. I just feel bad for intruding on the pair." I grinned at the two behind me.

"Keomi, not you too!" Kinshiro seemed at his wits end.

"You know that isn't what was happening!" Aoi was glaring at Soji who trying to hide his own grin.

"While we give those two some privacy, how about you choose the next name?" Soshiro leaned over my shoulder and smiled. Toshi held the bag out towards me and I reached in, handing him the folded piece of paper.

Laughing at the group of men who were still picking on Aoi and Kin, I entered the dark box once more.

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