Kirika the Seducer (Pt. 3) (Ninja Shadow)

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Why am I here? This makes no sense. I want to go home.

I let out an inaudible sigh while I looked around the large room. Makoto had brought me along with him to some play that the Dutch trading house was having. He received an invitation and I assumed he would bring Kagura with him like normal. 

"Are you not enjoying yourself? Drink and relax. The play is going to start soon." Handing me a clear glass of wine, Makoto drank from his own, seeming to enjoy the taste. I was familiar with Western wine. It was more fruity and sweet than Japanese sake. Eduard was really fond of it and normally shared it with me without my even needing to ask.

Giving Makoto a small nod, I took a sip of the wine, doing my best to relax. It was a little difficult to do so with a bunch of people coming up to Makoto in order to speak with the artist Arashi. His stupid false name was going to be the death of me.

"You would look lovely with a smile, although this face is just as beautiful." Hearing a familiar voice, I turned to see Eduard smiling at me. It made sense that he was here working. I silently rolled my eyes at him as I took another sip of my drink. It made me feel more relaxed. A small smile formed in spite of myself which seemed to make Makoto and Eduard happy.

I listened to the two of them talk for a minute before Eduard got called to the other side of the room. 

"Excuse me, miss, is this seat taken?" Standing in the spot that Eduard just vacated, a merchant that I recognized from my deliveries smiled at me, pointing to the empty seat next to me. 

Yes. It's taken by my unfriendliness and my antisocial personality. Go away.

Shaking my head, I gestured that he could sit. I looked ahead to the stage where the actors were beginning to get into position when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked at Makoto as he pulled me against him, raising a brow to the man on my other side as if in a silent challenge. Whatever look passed between them caused the guy to get up and find a different seat which I liked. But even moving away, Makoto didn't release his hold on my waist. Before I could reach for my writing things to ask him what he was doing, the play started. 

As I watched the performers, my eyes remained fixed on one in particular, out of all the men in makeup, he was by far the most gorgeous. Something about the way he moved made me think. He seemed familiar. I had seen a few plays before in my travels, so that explained the familiarity I felt. 

Our glasses were refilled a few times during the play and I was feeling pleasantly relaxed. I wasn't drunk. I could hold my alcohol very well, but it did make me not as tense. I even let Makoto adjust me a little so that I could rest my head on his shoulder. 

When the play ended, most of the actors mingled with the rest of the guests. I was left alone to do my own thing which I appreciated but also hated since I couldn't leave yet.

Moving over to the food, I looked at all the foreign treats when I felt a soft tapping on my shoulder. Cringing at being randomly touched, I made a face at the person behind me but my look of annoyance was quickly replaced by mild surprise. It was the actor from before, the beautiful one, still in his makeup.

"So it was you. I thought it was from the stage." Wrapping his arms around me in a familiar way, my eyes widened. I didn't return the hug because that wasn't me, but I didn't push him away either. 

Holy shit... it's him...

He went to open his mouth to say something but a few of his fans came up to us, surrounding the food table to speak. 

"You were beautiful up there."

"Simply breathtaking."

"Won't you dance for me?"

"Allow me to buy you a drink."

"No no, let me take you on a date."

"I'm very sorry to turn you down, but I couldn't possibly dream of leaving my beautiful sweetheart all alone." His warm breath tickled my ear as he whispered into it with a deep voice. "Help me out a little, Ki. Please?"

He used the same nickname that Ukyo did and the one I gave Hideo and Jiro. I was intoxicated enough to play along since I knew him. Turning so that my chest pressed against him, I slid my arms around his chest, making a show of being close to him. He gave me a smile as he pressed a kiss to my temple, rubbing my side. It seemed to excite the crowd because soon there was a few whistles and hoots. While I wasn't thrilled about being center of attention, I did owe him. 

"With a pretty little thing like that, I don't mind being rejected."

"Yeah, now how about you give her a kiss?"

A few people cheered on that idea and I balked a little. I may have been drinking but I wasn't that relaxed. Not seeming bothered, my acquaintance gave me a brilliant smile through his makeup and brought his face closer. Just as our lips touched, our bodies were pulled away from one another. Eduard had a firm grip on his shoulder, an angry look on his face. Makoto had his arms wrapped around me, they were shaking with barely controlled anger. 

What's up with them? Did someone insult one of Makoto's paintings?  He should grow up and not be so prideful.

"Don't you touch my Kir-" I cut Makoto off with a sharp look. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Do not touch my employee so familiarly." Looking down at me with a stern expression, Makoto began leading me to the door. "I want an explanation. I don't care how many pages you fill."

"I'll see you soon, Ki." Speaking in a teasing yet gentle tone, the actor gave me a wave, winking at me.

"I wouldn't count on it." Scowling, Eduard dragged him away to the rest of the actors.

"First of all, you were here as my handmaiden. To be pressing yourself up against a man like that- What were you thinking, Kirika? There will be punishment for this tomorrow. Tonight you will be bringing me my tea, my dinner and whatever else I would like until I decide your chores for tomorrow. You will not leave my side. If that means I need to wash that filth off you myself, I will. Also-"

I stopped listening to his ranting at that point, already bored. I just let him waste his breath as we walked home where Kagura was waiting for us. While cooking Makoto's dinner, with him watching from the kitchen doorway, I thought of the actor.

I wonder what he meant by seeing me soon? Oh well, he always was weird.

((Any ideas of who it is? I bet you all know anyways. Let me know what you think their past was and why Ki owed him. Excited to hear your opinions! Anywho, hope you enjoyed the mini story!))

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