Keomi's Game Night Pt.2 (D) Shintaro

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There was a lot of shuffling noises as soon as someone was pushed inside with me. Whoever it was didn't speak, but I heard a lot of nervous breathing.

"...Natsume?" My mind instantly went to my friend when I thought about how he felt about women. But he was good with me so I got rid of that idea quickly before coming to a new conclusion. "Shintaro?"

"Y-yeah, it's me... So-sorry if I touched you when I got in here. It's a much smaller space than I expected." I was sure the tall man was blushing.

"I was surprised too. It looked bigger on the outside. Don't worry, I'll stay on this side so that I don't make you uncomfortable." I smiled in the dark as I lowered myself on the floor.

"No, I'm sorry for making you upset. I'm just... bad with women."

"I get that, believe me. Nagasaki has you and Yuzuki, and I got a Natsume. He hates women. He's not allowed to hate me though, I won't let him. I fill that man with so much friendship that his small body is close to bursting on a daily basis. But I hope that you'll at least give me a chance to get to know you, even a little. But don't worry, I won't push it if you don't want to."

"It's just that women are so-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. If this is about women being small and weak, I will hurt you to prove that I'm not. So instead of that, let's just talk about other things." I steered the conversation away from anything insulting. "We don't have much time left in here, seven minutes go by fast."

"Is there anything particular you'd like to discuss?" He seemed a little relaxed since he couldn't actually see me in the dark.

He's trying to talk with me. Shintaro is a big sweetheart.

"Can you sing? You have a wonderful deep voice, I'm sure it would be a nice rich timbre if you sang."

"I... can't sing." He sounded a little down but quickly added to his words. "I can play a taiko drum."

"So you can keep a beat? Excellent! I'll sing and you add a beat that you think would fit." Pleased that I found something to work with him on, I began singing a song, trying not to fit the words to a specific tune yet. It only took Shintaro a moment to start hitting the wooden walls, filling the small room with noise, the vibrations shaking my bones. Using that, I matched his tune, enjoying the melody we were creating. Though we weren't talking or touching, the mood around us was calm and relaxed. Comfortable. I heard Shintaro begin softly humming along, and I was right. He wasn't singing, but the noises he made were very pleasant.

It ended up turning into a sort of game, Shintaro changing the tune of his beat, either slowing it down or speeding it up, making me improvise the direction of my lyrics.

While we made our music, another voice joined in, adding to the already gentle music. I hadn't even noticed the door open, but there stood Hotaka, singing in his own lovely voice. Winking his gorgeous pink eyes at me, Hotaka smiled. Our song came to a natural end, bringing a light applause from our friends outside the box.

"That was fun. Didn't expect that from you, Shintaro. We should do it again." I went to push myself up off the floor.

"Th-that'd be nice..." Clearing his throat, Shintaro extended his large hand to me, a blush creeping up his cheeks, dying his ears red. "Here, let me help you up."

"What a gentleman." I grinned while accepting his hands. Letting me exit the room first, I was once more surrounded by my friends.

"Shintaro survived. Thought his head would have burst from being locked in a room with a woman for more than a minute." Teasing his friend, Asagi came up to my side casually.

"Keomi, pick another name." Shaking the bag, Soshiro grinned at me.

Giving Shintaro a small smile at which he looked away in an embarrassed manner, I reached into the bag. "Didn't see that coming." Speaking sarcastically, I handed the paper to Toshi and went back to the box.

((Pick the next guy! Those not yet chosen are:













Let me know and I hope you enjoyed Shintaro's mini mini story!))

((If you have any ideas for another mini story that you'd like one of my characters to be in, let me know! I have a lot of characters. Original ideas or add-on's from ones I did already, I don't mind! Have a fantastic day!))

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