Keomi's Game Night Pt.2 (G) Wakasa

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I managed to finish half the bottle of sake before someone opened the door. Either they took a while or I was on my way to being real drunk.

"Whozzat?" My voice sounded slurred and I let out a high pitched giggle.

"It's been a while since I've seen you like this, Keomi. Perhaps we should get you some water for the next round, or even end the games for the night." Wakasa's voice sounded softer than I remembered. 

"PsshHH! Yur crayzeeee. I'm fine! Shee!" Jumping to my feet, I spread my arms wide in the dark to show him that I was still quite sober.

My eyesight was good in the dark, but at the moment my eyes seemed to be a little off. Unless Waka picked up a fun new ninja skill, I was the one seeing doubles. Although double the Wakasa might be fun.

Both visions of the doctor approached me, but one managed to touch me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"D'awwwWWww! Are we shnugglin', Wakky?" I was happy for the affection from him and nuzzled up against him. 

 "I just want to help you sit down so you don't hurt yourself." Chuckling softly, Wakasa lifted me off my feet and slowly lowered himself to the ground, sitting me between his legs. 

"It'sh like da ocean..." A calming feeling moved over me as I felt the rise and fall of his chest behind me. His medicinal scent and arms were wrapped around me. I knew I was drunk and probably a pain. But he didn't complain. He never once got upset with me when I drank too much. He took care of me in Edo. Every time. I'd go out drinking with Hotaka or a few of the prostitutes and then I'd end up wandering alone. Even drunk, I was able to walk on the safer alleys. I was a capable ninja sober, but I didn't like fighting when drunk. Hated it. Didn't like what I became. Waka knew that. 

He always seemed to know the nights I was drinking because every time I managed to hobble my way to his clinic he'd be waiting on the front step with a blanket and some water. The blanket would get wrapped around my shoulders and I'd be forced to drink the entire cup of water before I was brought inside. Then we would talk. Sometimes about nothing. I'd be laying in a bed he prepared for me and he'd be sitting by my head, stroking my hair while we talked. Then I'd wake up, feel like hell until I took the medicine he gave me and apologize for the night before. He didn't scold me or warn me not to do it again, just pat my head, gave me a smile and thanked me for coming to see him.

"I'm sure your head is going to hurt in the morning. I'm most of our heads are going to hurt in the morning." He chuckled a little. "I brought extra medicine just in case, but with everyone here it might not be quite enough."

"Der all lightweights! Can't hold da liquor vurry well. I, however, am completely diffurnt!" I waggled my finger in his face in a good show of sobriety. 

"I know you are. You are a very good drinker." Wakasa seemed amused for a moment before tightening his arms around me a bit more, letting his hand drift down my side. "Does it hurt?"

"Nahhh... Wellll, yesh. Lil' bit." Frowning, I moved a little in order to escape his hands. 

"Do you mind if I touch it?" His hand was hovering over my scar. His body was tense and his other arm was firm around me. 

"Dun... Dun touch it, Waka... Pease? No shcary doctor tonight." 

"I'm not going to hurt you, Keomi. You know this. But while we're locked in here for a few more minutes, I want to help you. That's all. Trust me." The doc could have a very kind voice on jobs. It was terrifying when I first saw the change in him. But I was used to it. Or at least, I thought I was. In my mildly inebriated state, felt a chill run up my spine. "You do trust me, don't you?"

"...Mhmm.." Shaking, I tensed up and waited for him to touch my scar. I didn't like his weird fascination with it. But the two of us had a deal. On jobs we did together, if I took the killing blow, he got to touch my scar. He would make me cry. Scream. Have me threatening his life. I would insult and berate him and all the while he would just be sitting there silently, watching with an inquisitive smile on his face. And then he stopped. Afterwards he would hold me against him and rock me back and forth until my shaking stopped. I know that if anyone else saw what we put one another through, they'd question why we were friends in the first place. But that's why we were. I spent a lot of time with Soji and the others, but Waka was probably the one I was closest with. We could be cruel and violent, but that was simply stress relief. Hell, Sion even joined us when we sparred. The three of us didn't hold back on victims or one another. But Wakasa and I had no secrets between us. Hadn't since the day we met. We knew our worst sides and our best. We even knew the sides that we showed to the rest of the world when we weren't feeling our best. Which is exactly why I trusted him.

"Don't move." I gripped my now empty sake bottle when he spoke that firmly. 

And I waited. It felt as if hours were passing by as I waited for him to do what he wanted but I knew it was only a few seconds. I had no idea why he wanted to do this now of all times, but I was in no state to stop him.

But the touch never came. At least not there. Instead I was wrapped in the warmest hug I could imagine. The only other touch was Wakasa's mouth gently pressing against my temple. 

He didn't say anything. Sometimes he got like this when he saw a target cowering. As gentle as he was, the man was quite the sadist. I'd tease him about it on occasion. I didn't know what was going on with him right now though but I did know one thing.

"I'm gunna throw up..." The alcohol was finally taking its toll on me and I launched myself out of his lap which I immediately regretted. My stomach was doing rolls and the sudden movement made it feel as if it were about to shoot out of my mouth. I'd rather that than the contents. 

"We can't have you throw up in here. Come here." Wakasa moved slowly as he lifted me up. He held me against him and knocked on the door just as it was opening.

"Did the two of you have fun?" Nobu's happy voice was the first thing I heard and oddly it made me want to throw up even more. 

Aoi's face came into my view and I was met with his frown. "What the hell's wrong with her, Wakasa?!"

"Excuse us for a moment. Keomi needs a quiet place." Saying just that, Waka weaved through our friends carefully so as to not shake me too much. Being as intuitive as they were, the rest of the group didn't follow us as Wakasa brought me to a nearby stream. 

He spoke soothing words to me and stroked my back while I coerced my stomach into feeling better. If nothing else, it sobered me up a bit.

"Before we head back to da party, I gotta ashk you shomthin'." My words were still slurred but my head was clearer than before. "Da hell was with you in da box?"

"Forgive me for that. I lost myself for a moment. I'm sure it will happen again, but never in a situation like this, not with you."

"Uh huh. Why'd ya stop 'fore ya touched?" 

"Um.." Waka seemed a little uncomfortable as he scratched his cheek. "In your current state, I knew you wouldn't be..." He struggled for a word. "...exciting...."

"Hey now! I am alwaysh exciting! You wanna have shome excitement with me while I'm a lil' drunk, I'm game!" Grinning, I threw myself backwards, causing Wakasa to catch me. His earlier behavior was completely wiped from my mind when I saw his deep blush. "Damn, Wakky, you're sho cute!"

Clearing his throat, Wakasa helped me stand on my feet and helped me back to the group. Nobu put the game on hold for a short bit while the others helped sober me up. 

Feeling more myself, I reached into the bag and pulled out  a slip of paper and handed it to the Shogun to read. 

"Alright, no loud noises please until the medicine kicks in." I gave the eager looking men a wry smile and headed back into the small room to wait. 

Who would walk through the door next?

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