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Roman's POV:

I watch as Virgil stands up and slowly turns into Deceit. He smiles with that crazy snake smile of his. He chuckles and slowly walks up to me, getting too close for my likely. "Virgil is dead forever."

I grit my teeth and spit, "Where is he?"

"I don't know."

I grab his throat and push him up against a wall, squeezing tightly. "Tell my where the fuck he is?"

"I didn't tell you. I don't know."

"Yes you did! And yes, you do now!" My grip on him grows tighter. "You better tell me where the fuck he is before I strangle you to death!"

"What's going on in here?"

I look out of the corner of my eye to see Logan and Patton standing in the doorway.

Logan narrows his eyes and says, "Deceit," in anger. "What are you doing here?"

Deceit chuckles. "Oh, nothing."

"He has Virgil but won't tell me where he is," I explain.

Logan nods. "Deceit, tell us where Virgil is."

"Oh, I'll get right on that," Deceit says in sarcasm.

Patton walks up to Deceit with tears in his eyes. "Please. Tell us where Virgil is."

"Alright. That's it." I wrap my other hand around Deceit's throat and throw him to ground, still choking him. "If you don't tell me where Virgil is right now, I am going to snap your neck!"

Deceit's eyes widen. "I will not tell you where he is."

I look over to Logan and say, "Grab a pen and notepad. I'm going to make this fucker write down where Virgil is."

Logan nods and walks out of the room.

I turn back to Deceit and say, "If you lie to us, I will kill you. If you hurt Virgil in any way, I will kill you. I will make sure that you go down in a very slow, agonizing, painful, fucking death. You got that? And I am not kidding. I will crucify you, and after about two hours or so, I will set it on fire. The nails will burn in your wrists- the most painful nerve to hit- and you and the cross will burn down into complete ash. You understand? I will turn you into embers and dust. Got it?"

He nods in fear, his eyes wide. Good. I got my point across.

"Here's the pen and notepad." Logan hands them to me and I force Deceit to sit up. I hand him the pen and put the notepad in front of him.

"Now, you're going to write down where Virgil is, and if we don't know where the location is, you're going to lead us to it. Okay? And if you even think about deceiving us, just remember my threats. Got it?"

He nods in fear and quickly grabs the pen. He starts to write down a few words. After he's done, he rips off the page and hands it to me. "I promise that it's not the absolute truth," he says.

I nod, knowing that he's telling the truth. I look down at the page and read the words out loud. "Virgil is unconscious near the Forgotten Pit. I have the power to escape that dreadful pit, but when I escaped, I accidentally brought him back with me. I put him to sleep. Only you can wake him up, Roman, with a kiss. Cheesy, right?"

I nod. "Yes, very cheesy." I turn to Logan and Patton. "Make sure Deceit stays here. I want to do this alone." They both nod and I start to head towards the Forgotten Pit, hope sparking within me for once in a very long time.

I quickly run to the Forgotten Pit- practically running- because I can't wait to see Virgil. I haven't seen him for about fifteen days and each day keeps on getting longer and sadder and more full of hate and depression. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him. All I've been wanting to do ever since he disappeared was hold him and hug him and kiss him and make love to him and talk to him. My heart was breaking so much because of his death. Watching it crushed me. But now, knowing that he's alive, I have hope again.

I enter the room that the Forgotten Pit is in. I take out my phone and turn the light on, not being able to see in the dark. I scan the area, looking for a sign of my beloved. But I don't see him anywhere. I swear to God, if Deceit lied to us, I will go back to Virgil's room and kill him the way I said I would. I keep on walking around, looking for any sign of Virgil, but all I see is a dark, empty void of despair. Where the hell could he be? But that's when I see a body laying near the edge of the pit.

I run over to the body and shine my light on them. I gasp and tears start to run down my face when I see that it's Virgil. I quickly pick him up in my arms and go into the commons. I sit down on the couch, cradling him in my arms. I lean down and kiss his lips. Butterflies and warmth consume my stomach, making me feel happy and giddy. Virgil's eyes open and he immediately pulls on my shirt, bringing me closer to him. I tangle my fingers in his hair, brushing it and feeling its softness. We stop kissing for air, but then he swoops me back in for another kiss, letting me explore his mouth. But after we run out of breath, we pull away, smiling at each other idiotically.

I brush his cheek with my thumb. "I've missed you," I say.

He smiles. "I've missed you too."

We kiss each other on the lips again, staying entangled with each other's bodies, and soon our clothes are on the floor.

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