chapter 4: meeting again

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(minnie's POV)

To be honest I didn't even know Nash was Carter's best friend and me and Carter suppose to be homies any ways not caring we just sat around and ate got to know each other Carter and Kahali seem to really be in love haha skylar don't know what she missing right now me and Nash are talking about random stuff playing with my niece.

" so why you never told me you was Carter's brother?" I say playing with Alana

"I'm sorry ma I didn't even get a Chance to talk to you because the elevator" he says

"it's ok now we can talk because u hang with Carter and matthew" I say

"Ok fosho baby" he say as I blush

So as me and Nash talk I decided we should go swimming yes it's late at night but who cares we are teenagers YOLO so I ask the crew and they are Down except for Joe'den of course.

"why not Joe'den come on it will be fun?" I says trying to convince her to come

"I don't think so because I don't want Alana out in the cold and I don't wanna watch her" she kill but hey I tried

"so u gonna stay here instead with the baby?" I say

"ye-GCO" she was about to say until Carter said something

"I will stay with her" he says winking at her

Hey I can't argue with that and I think they need some alone time so I will take Alana with me just incase they u know...the reader's will know what I'm talking about.

"Ok well I'm gonna go get ready in y'all hotel room and take alana" I says getting my bikini and Alana's bathing suit that I brought her and meant to show Joe'den until the little indecent.

"aight bye make sure my baby don't get sick!" she says yelling as I close the door swimming pool here I come!

(Joe'den POV)

It's just me and Carter in the hotel room great minnie.I know what she was trying to do and knowing I just got out of a relationship she play much but I guess that's why I love her I just hope he don't try nothing because I wanna tell him but I don't know if he will judge me for being bi and he is probably gonna wonder how I made Alana which I'm nit ready to tell  the only person that knows are my best friends. in case your wondering why I'm talking with minnie so much and not talking about tyler is because she is in texas for a family emergency but she will come in the story anyways back to me and carter.

"soooo" I says looking around the room trying not to make eye contact

"your daughter is really beautiful like you" he says looking at me

"thanks" I says looking down

"No problem ma. You can look at me u don't have to be shy" he says lifting my chin up

"I know" I says as I was about to look away I feel his soft lips on mine I hesitate for a min then I just give in and eventually I come to reality and pull away looking embarrassed

"what's wrong?" he says looking confused

"carter I have something to tell you" I says getting teary eye

"what's up" he says as he looks worried

"I.iii.." I says as I break down and cry he pulls me in for a hug

Wow just like that I didn't know it was gonna be this hard I thought I got over skylar but I guess I didn't I know I will have to face both of them later so I finally pull myself together and tell him something I thought that I would never say to anybody else.

Nobody is showing love y'all not right keep reading so she can finally tell him I need more readers

1) will she tell carter

2) what's minnie and Nash doing in the swimming pool

read and the questions will be answered

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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