040. zendiego

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Team Zendiego
Indie 💙 [Indigo]
Tommy 🕷🕸 [Tom]
Jay 🐻 [Jacob]
Haz [Harrison]
Jen 🌈 [Jenny]
Toe-knee [Tony]
Laur 💁🏽‍♀️ [Laura]

Jen 🌈
So everyone's favorite
lesbian has a plan

Indie 💙
Love that
And you

Tommy 🕷🕸
Please don't go gay
for Jenny

Indie 💙
I was Jenny's gay
awakening sooo

Jen 🌈
Actual facts
Indie made me gay even
though she isn't gay

Look ya boy Tony would
love to go on about gays
but what is the plan !

Jen 🌈
So they're going out later
Diego couldn't keep his
mouth shut about it
I stg he's in love

Indie 💙
Diego in love? Sis you lying

Jen 🌈
Don't doubt me
We're gonna stalk them
And by we I mean Indigo
and I cause Tom and Haz
suck (jk or am I?) and the
rest of you aren't in New York

Laur 💁🏽‍♀️
Brb taking the next plane

Tommy 🕷🕸
Wait I wanna stalk Daya

Indie 💙
Yes I also want Tom to
stalk Zendaya

Jen 🌈
and I guess Haz can come too

I mean I don't really
care but okay I guess

Jay 🐻
Shit what I miss

Indie 💙

God damn

Jay 🐻
God damn

Laur 💁🏽‍♀️
I will not be flying to New York
But like see y'all at Diego's
I must support every Rivera
at all costs


Jenny's plan was in action. They all followed Zendaya and Diego into Central Park, but nothing really happened.

"This is so boring. I really don't wanna watch my brother destroy a hot dog." Indigo scoffed.

Jenny shushed her. "Shut up, he wrapped his arm around her."

Tom and Harrison were behind the two girls, not really sure what the hell was really going on. What was their purpose in the situation?

Indigo saw the smile on Diego's face, she knew. She knew Diego liked Zendaya, which was definitely the greatest thing.

She was in awe, and Tom noticed it. "Someone's loving being a little spy."

"Tom, look at them." Indigo pointed.

Everyone watched the two, and it was truly a beautiful sight.

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