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Lorena watched carefully as the alpha crawled back down the tree. Vera gasped. "He's giving up."

Lorena knew otherwise. "Alphas never give up, not that easily and not with a female involved." She was proven correct as the alpha scent-marked the tree and sat down, waiting patiently when two other alphas showed up. At first they were extremely slow to approach Alpha Orion, but when he didn't move and he showed almost no threat, they lunged at him.

Lorena cringed as she watched them attack. As much as she wanted the alphas to leave her alone, she didn't want to watch Orion die or get seriously hurt. It was clear that he knew how to fight, though. He was holding his own for the most part, and the other two alphas weren't any match for him, but he was getting tired and the alphas were starting to draw blood and it was becoming hard to watch.

She looked at Vera who was watching with wide, tearful eyes. She'd never seen such violence over something as trivial as a female's attention. "We have to do something...they'll kill him."

Lorena didn't want to help. She knew that the second she got out of that tree she was going to have an alpha or two on her ass and she wouldn't know what to do or where to go. No good deed goes unpunished.

She turned to Vera. "I need you to hug me."

"Is now really the time?"

"Trust me. Those alphas are after you. Your scent is so strong, and if they smell it on me, they'll leave him alone and chase me instead."

Vera shook her head. "No, then you're in danger." She grabbed a rock from the little makeshift pocket she had made in her shirt and hurled it at one of the alphas, making him stop dead in his movements. He looked right at Vera and growled. Vera shrank back and shut her eyes in fear.

Lorena couldn't blame her. He was terrifyingly huge. Alpha Orion was bigger, but his wolf wasn't as aggressive. This wolf was the second biggest of all three, with a dark gray coat and huge black paws, and was trying to climb the tree, taking his attention off of the two other alphas who were still going at it.

This gave Alpha Orion the break he needed and he was able to take on the smallest alpha easily. The other one put up a fight, but Orion held out longer and the other wolf left, probably deciding that either of us weren't worth the trouble anymore.

Unfortunately, this gave both of the remaining alphas an opportunity to start clawing at the tree, trying to get to their prize inside.

Alpha Orion was starting to make progress, and he was halfway up the tree. Lorena realized that he was actually after her and not Vera and she started to panic. She didn't want an alpha. They were too strong-willed and dominant and demanding. She would much rather have an omega such as herself who would make her bear his pups and leave her alone afterwards, rather than an alpha who would no doubt impregnate her over and over again and force her to bend to his will.

She looked over at Vera who was shaking and weakly throwing rocks at her pursuer, which was no longer affecting him. "We have to shift and get out of here."

She shook her head frantically. "No! Our scent will be that much stronger and I'll be a dead giveaway! We have to split up, Lorena. You'll be caught for sure if we stick too close."

"No, I can't leave you! You'll be hurt!"

Vera nodded her head, looking down at the relentless alpha that was close enough to drag her down. "He's going to catch me anyways. Once he does, then what's the worst that can happen?"

Lorena looked at her like she had grown a second head. "He'll-!"

"I know what he might do, Lorena. But then he might not. My father always told me to accept the things that we cannot change. There's nothing we can do. The longer we fight it, the more painful this entire process will be. It's time to give in, Lorena. Please."

Vera was crying at the thought of what might happen the second she came down from that tree, but she knew she had to do it anyways. She was just making the situation that much more dangerous by being near Lorena, and she wanted to give her a chance.

Before Lorena could respond, the branches started creaking and the woods seemed to be filled with an extremely pregnant silence. The two girls looked at each other and the two alphas below before plummeting to the ground, their limbs flying out and trying to catch themselves, but failing to do so.

When Lorena made sense of what was happening, she realized that she had landed on top of Orion and her eyes widened. She looked over at Vera, who's alpha was standing over her, letting her know that it would be easier to submit than run because he had already won.

Lorena felt tears prick at her eyes at the sight, but Vera just looked at her. "Lorena, you need to run. Right now. I'll be okay! Stop crying!"

Lorena nodded and rolled off of the big black wolf, trying to regain her footing. The alpha was doing the same, standing up slowly and swaying a little bit, pulling his focus back in on her. Before he ever had the chance to lunge for her, she took off.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

At this point, Alpha Orion was quite irritated. Actually, he was extremely irritated.

He was pissed that he'd been standing there under what could be a fucking Christmas tree, fighting two other alphas over one girl. He was pissed that the other alphas wanted the blonde girl and assumed he did as well and attempted to rip him to shreds over her.

And lastly, he was pissed that he had to do all of this and more just to plant his seed in some female for some heirs and have to put up with said female for the rest of his life. He loved a challenge just as much or even more than the next person, but this omega female was just ridiculous. He wanted a mate that would be smart and athletically capable to produce strong pups, but she had far succeeded his expectations.

Werewolves could climb trees, but nine times out of ten, they preferred to stay on the ground. That's what made him stop for a moment to think if it was even worth it to chase down a female as crazy as she was, a female crazy enough to scale a tree to escape the inevitable fate of being bred by some wolf at some point.

He actually found himself hesitant to chase her down after she had fallen out of the tree and on top of him, the branch whacking him in the head so hard he saw stars. After watching her run away, though, his wolf practically lurched forward, forcing him to run after her. If it wasn't for instinct, he would just walk up to one of the other females in his human form and try to politely ask them to be his mate, and he was sure a few would accept.

He watched her strip off her clothes as quick as she could while running, nearly tripping over herself to get as far away from him as possible. He rolled his eyes and easily picked up his pace, closing in on her. To his surprise, her wolf was black just as his was, and if she was to get far enough away, it would be hard to spot her.

It was clear that she was getting tired from the way she was slightly zigzagging while she ran. He did feel a bit bad for her; he couldn't imagine how scared he would have to be to continuously run nonstop for almost ten minutes or more. It was clear that she was desperate to be left alone, but he was more desperate.

If he was going to be king, he needed a mate and heirs. Aside from that, that meant that he couldn't go off and busy himself with other females. A mate would be good for him, as much as he hated to admit it, and instead of using random women to get off, there would be a woman who would please him as part of her duty to her mate.

Long story short, he couldn't wait to sink his canines into that striking brunette and make her his once and for all.

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