twenty seven

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Lorena was frantic. She was feeling all of the effects of her heat at once and it was uncomfortable. She was hot and sticky and she felt that feeling down below that Benny said she would feel when her body was ready for an alpha's knot. On top of that, she had Orion on top of her.

She assumed that Orion's wolf had completely taken over and that she would be hurt in the process. Still being somewhat sane and not knot-driven yet, she decided to put a stop to it before they were both too far gone and she did something that she would regret.

She struggled and pushed and pleaded, but Orion still wouldn't budge. She felt herself slipping into an uncomfortable state of submission and that scared her. As Orion kissed her neck over and over again, she just stopped fighting, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Orion, I don't know if you're still in control here...please stop for a minute. I-I'm scared. I've never done this before and I just...I need to take it slow. Please stop. Please."

She started sobbing, still lightly pushing at his chest in a weak attempt to make him stop. When her body started shaking with sobs, he did stop, sitting back on his heels and looking down at her sympathetically.

"Lorena, I'm completely here. You're okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He sighed and reached down, wiping her tears away. He placed a large hand on her chest, just resting it there, and subsequently, she calmed her breathing and crying.

She was still shaking though, and when he realized that, he slid off of the bed and took his shoes and socks off, watching as she frantically made her way up towards the headboard and sitting up against it. He got back onto the bed and sat at the opposite end of it, giving her the space she needed for the time being.

She shuddered and hugged herself tightly, embarrassed from her actions. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm crying for...what's wrong with me?"

Orion took his shirt off and threw it across the room. "You're just falling into a state of submission. It's a symptom of going into heat."

Lorena bit her lip at the sight of her mate's figure. Despite every downside to why she was here and how she got there, at least that was one upside for sure. Her man was built like a fighter. When she thought of the word alpha, he was the first thing to pop into her head. She was at least lucky in that aspect.


Orion groaned and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a blush rushing to his cheeks. "I've done a shit ton of apologizing lately, but I think I owe you another one for pouncing on you like that. I planned on talking with you about the whole thing first."

Lorena's eyes were still red and irritated from the crying she was doing and she ground her fists into them, wiping the tears away and trying to look normal. "Okay."

Orion would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this side of his mate. Unlike any other time, she was obedient and somewhat subdued. He hoped that when her heat was over and she was finally bred, she would be a bit more submissive in their everyday life and relationship. He didn't think he would make it if she kept raising hell at the slightest inconvenience and attempting to tell him what to do as if she was the alpha here. He didn't want to, but if her behavior kept up, he would put her into her place, no hesitation.

"Listen, Lorena. I won't force you to have sex with me if you truly don't want to. I'm not like that. However, I want you to know that you're going to be in agony if I don't help you through this. I don't want that for you, Lorena. I feel your pain to some degree. It will be hard for me to neglect you when you need me the most."

Lorena shook her head, wanting to clear things up. "No, I...I want your help, alpha. I want you. I just don't want it to hurt."

Orion was surprised to hear that. Sometimes he swore that she didn't want him within ten feet of her at all times. "Okay, then I need you to let me be in charge here. You need to relax. I won't hurt you. Are you going to let me be your alpha now, Lorena?"

Lorena blushed and squirmed where she was sitting. She was getting more needy and her body ached for him. It felt as if it was getting stronger every second. "Yes, Orion." She looked up at him. "I will."

Orion nodded and beckoned her over to him. "Let me undress you."

Lorena's eyes were watery again, but she didn't feel like crying, not really. It's just that this was new and she was still scared and she was so vulnerable to him. Anything could happen. She crawled over to him so that she was within arms reach and sat down with her legs beside her.

He reached out to touch her slowly, not wanting to rush into it. If he seemed too eager then it would scare her, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He pulled down the strap of her top and eyed her to check her reaction.

Lorena watched as Orion bared her breasts to him, a look of awe on his face. It would've been comical had she not been so nervous. He gently pushed her backwards so that she was lying down and he lifted her top over her head.

She quickly and subconsciously covered her chest, looking away. Being in the nude was different when she was shifting in and out of her wolf, but being here with just him and the silence and his wandering eyes was a different story.

Orion leaned down and trailed kisses from her neck down to the swell of her right breast and he pulled her hands off of her chest. "Don't hide from me, baby."

Lorena nodded and found a bit of courage within herself, sitting up a bit to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss and she hung his arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He pulled away abruptly as if he had just realized something and looked at her, his eyes wide open in surprise. "Lorena..."

She was slightly concerned at this point, wondering if it was something she had done. "Yes?"

"I love you."

Lorena tried not to react. She could see that he was still sitting there, frozen and staring at her. His words probably shocked him even more than they did her. She bit her lip and sat up a little bit more, wondering what to do next.

As she usually did, she went with the bad one, and she didn't have any idea how she was going to fix it later.

"I love you, too."

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