forty one

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If I were to do a spinoff of this book, what would you want to see? Vera and Sean, or Orion's backstory? Or both?

Three years later...

Orion could hardly contain himself that day. He couldn't stop touching up his hair and looking in every single reflective surface he passed on the way to his car.

Max quickly hustled behind him, briefing him on the happenings around the pack and security details before they left. He couldn't just leave and not substantially increase his security measures.

"So, in summary, all is taken care of. Anything else?"

Orion shook his head a little bit too eagerly. "No. That's fine, thanks."

Max sighed, grabbing her alpha's arm. "Hey, I know you're excited about today but you're so jumpy. What's wrong?"

Orion wasn't one to keep his feelings in and hide them away, especially from his longtime friend.

He stopped his brisk walking and sighed, shutting his eyes.

"I know I'm a little bit unstable right now, but I'm just so nervous. Usually I would have my father here to hype me up, but..." He trailed off and hung his head slightly, not really surprising Max.

Ever since Ares passed, Orion hadn't really been his old self. Which is okay, she thought, because people are changed by traumatic life events, such as losing a parent, but it's not always terrible.

He'd dealt with his father's passing healthily, but he still was going to miss him, and that wasn't a bad thing.

Maxine smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, it was nice to have your father to hype you up when you need it, but I'm sure he's cheering you on from a better place right now. You have to trust yourself, Orion."

Orion shook his head. "I'm not the same as when she left. There have been so many things that have happened to me after she left and I know I'm not the same person she fell in love with. What if she doesn't love me anymore?"

Max shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes. "I've read some of the letters you wrote. There's no way she could resist that. I'm sure she fell in love with you over and over again after reading your letters. Look, I'm sure she has been through some things that have changed her as well. But you're mates. You're perfect for each other."

Orion nodded, still unconvinced, but a little more hopeful. He started walking to the car, Max still behind him, and when he opened the door, he turned back to hug Max tightly.

"Thank you. I should be back in about a week's time."

Max grinned and nodded. "If anything changes, let me know." Orion nodded and got into the car, shutting the door.

He mouthed a thank you through the window and Max waved before his driver took off. He looked into the seat beside him and smiled.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Just had some last minute things that had to be tied up."

Vera grinned and shook her head, her two year old son sleeping in her arms. "It's fine, Orion. We weren't waiting long."

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