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The next morning, she woke up to Orion quickly bustling around the cabin, placing things in an open duffel bag. She watched him for a few moments before actually speaking up. "What are you doing?"

He stopped, startled for a moment, but then he smiled. "Morning, darling." He zipped up the bag and put it next to the door. "I am making sure that we have the things we need for the walk back to the starting spot. It's not a very long walk, but I want to be prepared."

"If we ran we'd get there quicker. I was almost there last time." She huffed, actually remembering how extremely close she was to getting out of this predicament.

He shook his head in amusement. "We'll be back there before you know it. No need to rush."

She rolled her eyes and quickly stood, heading towards the back door.

"Where are you going?" He straightened his stance immediately, assuming she would be causing some trouble. He was well and ready to put her back into her place.

"I just have to relieve myself. So if you'll excuse me..." She shook her head and went outside.

The smell of fresh rain was heavy and the remnants of the humidity from the night before lingered on her skin. She shut her eyes and rolled her head back. If she listened carefully, she could hear almost anything. Her ears caught the cry of the birds overhead; heard the very soft symphony of the crickets, still singing their song after a long night. Even more, she could hear the small fish jumping out of a brook nearby.

She stretched and painlessly slid into her wolf formation. This was how she felt most comfortable and how she started every day. Her claws dug into the earth and she shook her coat out.

She relieved herself and began to pace. Usually, by this time she'd be on her morning run, but her new alpha didn't trust her to even be outside on her own. There was no doubt that Orion was watching her every move, so even taking off for a run and coming back isn't something that would go unpunished this time.


She froze and her ears twitched in Orion's direction. Knowing it was time to go, she shifted out of her wolf and quickly made her way inside the house. "Yes, Orion?"

His eyes met hers and then trailed their gaze down to what he thought were the most perfect breasts he'd ever seen for a second but then he managed to look her in the eye again. "Get dressed. It's time to go." He tossed a pair of shorts and a tank top at her.

She looked at the clothes and decided to irritate him a little bit. If she couldn't have her freedom, then the least she could do was find pleasure in her little acts of defiance. "I don't want to."

Orion slowly turned to face her, clearly annoyed. "You don't want to go or you don't want to wear the clothes? Because I could drag you along in the nude if you'd like." He furrowed his eyebrows and she looked back at the clothes in her hands.

She slowly began to put the shorts on and he smirked, turning around and leaving the cabin with the full confidence that she would follow right behind.

When she came out, he had already started walking ahead. She stood and looked at him for a few moments and then looked at the wide landscape full of trees. If she ran, she could get easily lost in them again and-

"Don't even think about it!"

She rolled her eyes and jogged to catch up with him. She silently walked beside him and stared at the leaves that they tread upon. She felt awkward. There was nothing to be said, but also so much to be said at the same time. She had so much to ask him. Who was he? Where was he from?

If she wanted to attempt to know him at all, then she needed to have a conversation with him first. "So...the weather?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I get it. I'll start. What's your favorite color?"

She paused to think about it. "I don't have one. I love all of the colors. What about you?"

He looked her up and down for a second. " Maroon, actually."

"That's...interesting. Oh, I have a question. Where are we going? After they take us from the arena, where are you taking me?"

Orion looked up at the birds flying overhead and sighed. "My place. I think you'll like it there."

"I hope so." After a few moments of silence, she spoke again. "When will I see my family again?"

Orion quickly and shamelessly changed the subject. "Look, we're here. We'll go through the checkpoint, they'll give the both of us a check up, and then a car will take us home. You ready?"

She frantically looked around, trying to find Vera. She didn't want to leave the arena without her. "Orion, can I please just see Vera one more time? I want to make sure she's okay."

She looked up at her mate and gave him her most innocent smile. The wheels in the alpha's head were spinning. He didn't trust Lorena. Not that he didn't want to, but she's obviously a runner and he didn't want to take any chances with her running off somewhere. He needed to keep a close eye on her and show her that he was in charge and in control.

But looking at her then, he knew he had to give her a chance to show her that he was willing to trust her no matter what. They needed to start somewhere.

"Yes. I'll wait here for you."

Lorena's mood brightened and she walked off, looking for her friend. Orion can't deny the fact that he was watching her like a hawk. He couldn't lose the one thing he worked so hard for again. He was proud of himself for being able to catch the smartest, fastest werewolf in the group. Aside from that, his new mate was truly stunning, what with her firm, supple breasts and her perfectly set hips. She would please him well, and be perfectly equipped for bearing his pups.

He watched as she stood at the edge of the forest, just staring into it, her hair flowing behind her due to the slightly increasing intensity of the wind. He still didn't give chase.

Almost as if she knew he was staring her down from behind, she turned to look at him for a split second before turning back to the trees. Orion was tempted to make his way towards her, but kept his feet planted exactly where they were, giving her a chance to return back to him on her own.

His poker face turned to a slight frown as he watched her shoulders fall and her head slightly drop when she realized she couldn't find her friend. He felt a little bit bad about it, but he would try and make up for it as best as he could.

To his surprise and relief, she turned right back around and returned to where he was standing, feeling his eyes follow her the entire way.

She sighed, dejected. "I can't see or smell her anywhere. I guess-" He could see her thinking the worst and he interrupted her negative train of thought.

"She probably left before us. Or she has her final scent. She was presenting, remember? I'm sure she's safe. Usually if a wolf is killed in the arena, it's an emergency situation and we would know immediately. She's fine, okay? And I promise you'll get to see her again. I'll see to it."

He smiled as a grin spread across her face. "Okay. Let's go, then."



I don't think any of my old stories had grown as fast as this one has. Thank you for your comments, votes, and support so far. I don't know how everything in this book is going to play out, but I will try my best to keep the same consistency in plot and quality going throughout the book.

Thanks, again!


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