Team RWBY[Berserker](RWBY)

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True Name:(Depends on Class) Yang Xiao Long
Class: Berserker
Possible Classes: Assassin, Lancer, Saber
Region: Remnant
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Str: B-EX
Agi: C
Luck: C+
End: B+
Mana: C
NP: A++

Class Skills

Madness Enhancement: D
Magic Resistance: C
Presence Concealment: C
True Name Disconcernment: D

Personal Skills

Unwilling Haircut: EX (Greatly increases Attack, Buster effectiveness and NP Gague)
Bumblebee: A (Increase Quick effectiveness)
Freezerburn: A (Increase Arts effectiveness and apply evade{1 turn})

Noble Phantasm

I Burn You To Embers- Anti Army: A++(apply ignore invincible and increase attack, deal significant damage to all enemies and apply burn to all enemies) Yang activated her semblance and starts boxing/kickboxing the fuck out of the enemies while unleashing blasts of dust from Ember Cilica

Team RWBY- Anti Army: A+++: Team RWBY can be summoned as 4 different classes, but they all appear each time.

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