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Warnings boi: Uncensored swearing

                 Tom's POV:

     I flopped on the couch in my apartment, wincing as the cuts and bruises made contact with the cushion. I groaned, stinging being a familiar feeling. Stupid bars, with their stupid drunk people and their stupid bar fights. Especially when you're as small as me. The memory of those three guys have and always will haunt me.


     I stumbled out of the bar, surprisingly a bit sober. As I began my dreaded journey back home, I passed an alleyway. I heard the pathetic whimpering of a girl, as well as some sickening comments from the two harassing her.

     I whipped towards them. "HeY! LeAvE tHe GirL aLoNe!" I slurred, my drunk mind scrambling and trying to be the "hero" of the situation. 

     The guys turned to me. They were at least 2 feet taller than me but, me being the stubborn ass that I am, I stood my ground. They stalked toward me, giving the girl an escape. She stealthily rushed past, mouthing a 'thank you' to me as she exit the alley. By the time she was gone, I was surrounded. Shit..

     They inspected me, then laughed. "You think you can take on us?!" The more muscular man bellowed. He's obviously the leader, based off of the sort of dominant, decision-making aura he gave off.

     I didn't answer, simply giving him a glare. They pop their knuckles. 'Oh boy, here comes the beating..'


     I held my black eye(injury form ok), my breath shaky as I faded into sleep.

                              ..Tomorrow is another day.. make the most of it


Heheheheh this is short, but I don't really care!! I'll be trying to write another chapter either later or tomorrow, but it's, like, 2:00 am rn so ye XD

So, anyways, what does de audience think so far??? (Be honest guys, can't grow with empty comments -3-)

Flowers and Alcohol (TordTom Hanahaki Disease AU) {Haitus}Where stories live. Discover now