Chapter 2

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     Warnings boi: Uncensored swearing

Tord's POV:

     I watched as the blue hoodied male exited Edd's house, then looked to Edd. A few tears rolled down his chubby cheeks. That fucking Jehovah's. No one makes Edd cry and gets away with it. Even though I was just here on a mission, I couldn't not feel bad for him. I'll deal with Tom later.

     I got up and walked over to him, putting my arm around his shoulders. "Hey, you ok? Does that normally happen?" I asked.

     He looked up and smiled weakly, a sorrowful expression plastered on his normally happy face. "Not often. He's usually so calm, but he's never yelled like that before.." his features changing into one of confusion.

     I looked at the door, still slightly ajar. I sighed before turning back to Edd. "I'll go talk to him." I stated simply before walking out and heading next door. I knew he lived next door, based on the slam of the door we heard next to the apartment. I jiggled the doorknob, but it was locked. I groaned, before pulling my knife and pickpocket out of my pocket.

     After a bit of messing with the lock I heard a click, and the door opened slightly. I pushed it open slowly, making sure it didn't creak as I walked in. The sight of the house disgusted me. Smirnoff bottles were littered everywhere, dirty clothes thrown messily to the floor. A few dried puddles of blood were stained into the carpet, and based on the near empty trash can, there wasn't much that Tom was eating. Or at least not at home.

     I suddenly heard music being played from down the hallway. I followed the noise, coming up to a brown door. Slight humming came from the room, but quickly stopped after an aggravated sigh.

     Tom's muffled voice came from the other side. "Dear Jehovah, I thought I killed that bastard! Now he just pops up like everything's alright!" He growled as I heard the sound of shuffling. Too late did I realize that he was moving towards the door.

     As soon as Tom opened the door, I stumbled forward, but immediately caught myself and stood up straight. (COuGh can't sit straight if you're gay Tord) I cleared my throat, but before I could speak, Tom yelled at me.

     "WHAT THE HELL, COMMIE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" He shouted, getting in my face.

     "Well, If you would let me speak, I would tell you." I snarled. "You made Edd cry."

     He scoffed. "And you care? It's not like you didn't do the same whenever you left us." He totally just ignored the fact that Edd's crying, just so he could bring up the incident. The one that cost me my title as Red Leader. The one that cost me my arm and eye. 

     I growled and tackled him, pinning him to the ground. I lifted my prosthetic arm up, the red metal glinting off the light in the room, ready to punch the lights out of him. "Do you not see what you did?! Edd's crying because of you, and you just ignore that?! Some friend you are!"

     Tom winced, as I was putting pressure on his chest. I was too bothered with anger to notice that I was practically suffocating him. (CoUGh)

     Suddenly, I was pushed off by someone. I looked up to see a familiar ginger, staring at me with confusion and anger. "Listen here, stranger! I don't know who you are, or what sort of grudge you have on Tim-" he cut himself off, blinking as he looked at me. "Wait a second... Todd?"

     I was confused, not listening to the last part. Matt sounded a bit smarter, or more stern at least, during that little speech of his. It sounded almost... practiced..? Has Matt and Edd dealt with people attacking Tom before..?

     My thoughts were cut off as Matt hugged me. "Todd! Where have you been?! I haven't seen you in forever!" Jeez, it was like the 'incident' never happened to this dimwit.

     I pushed him off, explaining to him how I came back.

     Matt smiled brightly. "Well, Welcome back, buddy! We gotta celebrate! What do you wanna do??" He asked excitedly.

     I thought for a second, not really finding the motivation to care, but Matt would drag me somewhere anyways. 

     "Let's go to the movies! I heard that 'The Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 8 just came out!" I said, thinking of my favorite movie series.

     Matt nodded and ran out to get Edd, but Tom looked hesitant.

     I smirked. "What's wrong, don't want to go out in public, du er litten tispe?" I snickered. (PLZ CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG IM USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE XD)

     He glared at me. "Maybe I'm just embarrassed to go out in public with you!" He spat, his 'eyes' narrowing into slits.

     I growled, getting ready to charge at him, but was stopped by Edd and Matt running into the room. 

     "GUYS, C'MON!! GET IN THE CAR!!" Edd shouted, as if nothing happened just 5 minutes ago, and ran out with Matt, clearly excited for me to hang out with them like we used to. I sighed and walked outside, Tom following. We all got in the car and drive off.

~Tem SkiP brought to you by TEM FLAKES~

     We parked and headed out, towards the theatre. Matt was bothering Tom while Edd and I talked. Turns out, there's a crowd, all jostling to get a seat for the movie. Yayyyyyyyyy.

     As we pushed through the crowd, a voice sounded behind us.

     "Well, well, well, look who we found." Tom jolted and turned around, causing us to do the same.

     Three guys stood there, glaring at Tom. Tom groaned. "Listen, guys, I'm not in the mood today." Tom knows these guys??

     The leader of the group- a raven haired, muscular man with icey blue eyes- puffed his chest out. "So! How are those bruises treatin' ya?" He asked, a smug look plastered on that face of his. Bruises?

     Tom flinched, then huffed, clearly done with this guy's presence. "Listen, me and my friends were just going home, right guys?" He looked to us, a sort of desperation in his eyes to get away. 

     Matt nodded, noticing immediately. "Yeah! I have to get back to my mirrors! They don't like being without me for long." He stares proudly, as we facepalmed in unison.

     As the men were standing there, trying to process what had just happened, Tom grabbed Edd and Matt's wrists and pulled them to the car, me following. As soon as we were in the car, Edd exploded. (More like EDDsploded)

     "Tom, who the hell were they!?!" He screamed, causing us all to flinch. Edd never cursed unless he was angry, or needed to get his point across.

     Tom snapped from his moment of shock. He waved Edd off. "I'll tell you when we get home, now drive!" He shouted, his voice sounding distressed.

     As we pulled away from the parking lot, I couldn't help but wonder.

     What happened to Tom after I left?



Eghhhh this chapter took way too long to make, but hey, school sucks sometimes. (Who am I kidding, it sucks all the time) Anyways, I'm on Thanksgiving Break allllll week, so i can probably update tha book more! Yayyyyyy :D!!!

Anyway, thanks for reading this so far !

Flowers and Alcohol (TordTom Hanahaki Disease AU) {Haitus}Where stories live. Discover now