"Just a normal day before two disastrous people meet"
It was early morning, time to pray fajr salaah but our sleepy head Reefa was sleeping like, after selling her all the horses and hadn't slept for more than one week.
"Reef, you better get up now. We have only 30 minutes to pray", shouted Roufa tying her scarf's lace at the back of her head.
"Reefa!! Come on. Get upppp! It's already late".
"Aapiiiiiiii.... Let me sleep for more five minutes nah please".
"Your more five minutes will costs you a ticket of jahannum for sure", said Roufa sternly standing on musallah. This made her eyes snap open and she sat up Immediately rubbing her eyes.
"Aapi! More twenty minutes are there. My five minutes will not do any harm right".
"You cannot even imagine what will happen if you pray before than those five minutes", said Roufa thinking about the lecture she heard yesterday at her madrasa.
"What do you mean aapi", said an confused Reefa.
" I will explain but after the Salah as it is already late and the time is just moving on. Hurry up and do wudu", with that both stood for prayer after once Reefa made wudu.
Once they both finished their Salah, Roufa explained her about the reward and punishment for delaying or neglecting the prayers.
"There is an hadeed which says :
"Woe to the worshippers who are unmindful of their prayers. Those who delay their prayers". (Quran 107 : 4 - 5)Our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, "The best of deeds in the sight of Allah is Salah at the beginning of it's time. The beginning of the time is when the pleasure of our rab is earned".
It's not a small thing when our rab is pleased with us. Just by praying on time our Allah is pleased with us and how wonderful is it?
Allah the most High says : "then there succeeded them a generation which neglected prayers and followed lusts. They will meet destructions (Ghayy) excepting the one who repents and believes and acts righteously. (Quran 19 : 59 - 60).
In another hadeed it is said that :
"S'ad Ibn Waqqas related, "I asked our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam about the meaning of "the worshippers who are neglectful of their prayers". He said, "it is the delaying of performing the prayers in it's definite time". The word (wayl) in the Ayah may refer to severe torture or it may be the name of a valley in the Hell where the whole mountains of the world brought in such valley, it would melt because of the severe heat.
Tashan Wala love
SpiritualNumair Aydin. Roufa Talheen. "Numairrrr, What the hell is wrong with you?", said she, wiping her face which was dripping wet. "Ohh baby!!! cool down!!! I cannot help because you were sleeping like log", said Numair smirking at her. "This is not go...