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*One month after*

My footsteps echoed the in the silent floor where my office was. As I walked towards the narrow hallway, I saw Jungkook inside his office, working on some balance sheets that he needed to pass at the end of the week. He was the company's Chief Financial Officer and aside from having the full knowledge about structural engineering, he studied business management as well.

Our eyes met for a second as he lift up his head, giving me a quick friendly smile. I smiled back and bowed down lightly, greeting him with a simple eye contact. I continued my walk towards my office and a sudden sadness creeped out from my head down to my toes, but it stayed at my chest as I saw an empty seat from Manoban's desk. There was no trace of her, but the CEO was there inside his office, talking with his wife. My feet suddenly stopped from walking, as if I was frozen on my place, staring at Lisa's empty chair.

"Mr. Park? Good morning." A voice interrupted me, making me look infront where I saw my secretary standing, holding two cups of coffee.

"Good Morning, Miyeon." I said still in shock, keeping the dead expression on my face.

"Is something wrong, sir?" She asked handing me the cup of coffee in her hands which I gladly took. I continued walking towards my office where in she followed me and stood infront of my desk as I remove my coat and placed the briefcase on my desk before sitting on my swivel chair.

"Nothing." I answered simply and turned my back to her, deciding to admire the view outside the window.

"There seems to be a problem, Y/N." She protests gently, wanting me to tell her what was wrong. I faced her again and took a sip on my coffee. "Is there something wrong on the blueprints?"

"Everything is fine, Miyeon." I insisted. "What are my schedules for today?"

She sighed and shook her head lightly in annoyance that made me chuckle at her cuteness.

"We'll be having a lunch meeting with the contractors from the Kwon Engineering then Sir Theo called for a board meeting at 4 in the afternoon."

I smiled upon hearing my sister's future husband's surname. Jiyong and Jeon's company has finally made their decisions and it came out real good.

"That's all?" I asked and she nodded with a smile before sitting on one of the chairs infront of my desk.

"Now tell me what's wrong." She smirked and took a sip on her coffee, staring at my eyes. I chuckled and shook my head. "Y/N..."

"Nothing's wrong, Miyeon. I promise." I slowly took her hand, placing a gentle kiss ontop of her hands. She just sighed and nodded, taking her hands away from mine and made herself busy on her tablet and on her cup.

It has been a month since I last talked to Lisa. We often see each other in the company but there was nothing more of it since she followed everything I wanted her to do. Everytime she wants to tell me something about work, she would always tell Miyeon to send the message to me.

And also, Miyeon and I decided to keep our relationship clear. We just wanted to know each other and to take everything slowly, focusing on work and not rushing ourselves.

"I'll go back to mys station now." She says standing up from the chair.

"You're not mad, right?" I asked worriedly, grabbing her hands when she was about to walk away.

"I'm not." She sayd taking her hands away from me and rushedly tried to walk out of my office. I sighed and stood up, running towards the door to lock it, grabbing her waist and pulled her towards my desk. "I need to start my work, Y/N!"

"Do you think I'll let you work while you're mad like that?"

"No you'll not, but I need to! Theodore will notice my absence!"

"He knows that you always spend your mornings here inside. You're obviously avoiding me!"

We both held our glares at each other. I leaned my back on the desk as she crossed her arms, but I pulled her closer to my body.

"Y/N, please. Let's just start the day." She closes her eyes and sighed tiredly.

"Oh no, until you're not talking to me properly."



"Oh god, let go of me."

"Oh god, talk to me." I mocked her tone and held her tighter. "Okay, I'll stop teasing. Just please,"

"I'm not mad, I promise." She sighed and removed her hands from being crossed, wrapping her hands around my neck instead. "Now will you?"

"Still no." I smirked that made her groan.

"What do you want?" She asked annoyingly. I chuckled and pressed my forehead with hers, before tilting my head to meet her lips. I felt her smile in between as her hands ran up and down my nape. My hands supported her back as I pulled her closer, making her arch her back.

I pulled away slowly, placing a kiss on her nose.

"Now you can go." I smirked and let go of her body, her hands slowly uwrapped itself from my neck but her hands slid down to my chest that made me smile.

"Y/N— Oh shit."

Miyeon gasped as I stood up in surprise. The woman backed away a few steps, fixing her blouse while I was clearing my throat.

"Sorry, did I interrupt?" Jimin asked smirking, slowly closing the door as I glare at him. "Okay, I'm really sorry but I just want to give the construction plan of Incheon Bridge."

Miyeon quickly took it from Jimin, placing it on my table with a red blush on her face. Jimin chuckled and scratched his head, shrugging at me and mouthint 'sorry.'

"I'll leave now. Continue your business,"

"Oh shut up and leave."

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