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"Let me tell you a secret, Pranpriya."

"What secret?"

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" I smiled at her. "Promise me."

"I promise. Now tell me,"

"I love you, Pranpriya. I love you so damn much."

"W-What? Y/N, are you—"

"I've never been so serious and sure my whole life, Pranpriya. Don't ask me why, I don't know what you did to me."

"I didn't do anything to you, Mr. Park. But I'll tell you mine too."

"What is it?"

"I love you too. I love you too, Y/N."

I felt the woman's lips press on mine, her hands held my face. We moved our lips in-sync until she was suddenly pulled away from me. My eyes opened and to see Jeon Jungkook, he was grabbing her tightly, he prevented Lisa to reach me.

"Y/N! Help me!" She cried. Tears fell down from her face. She cried for help and I know, I know I tried to reach her. I tried to get her.

"Lisa!" I shouted.

"She's mine, now." Jungkook smiled cynically, tears fell from my eyes. God, no. No, not my Lisa.

"No, no!" I shouted once more. "Lisa! Lisa!"

My woman cried in desperation, I felt stupid. I couldn't save her, I couldn't take her away from them. Between her cries, I opened my eyes as I heard the sound of the alarm clock, my eyes felt watery as I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom.

"Goddamit." I muttered under my ragged breath. I inhaled air desperately, my lungs seemed not to accept it. My chest heaved up and down as I stared at the empty space on the bed, on the properly arranged furniture inside the bedroom then on the digital clock on the bedside table. I allowed my eyes to flutter shut as I take in small breaths, my hands wiped the small drops of sweat on my forehead.

"Just a nightmare." I tried to calm myself.

This kinds of dream always bothered me since she left. One year has already passed but those kinds of moments always haunted my sleep, it almost affects my daily routine. There was never a time that she never crossed my mind.

As I stood from the bed, I noticed at amount of stacked papers on the coffee table inside my room. I slowly approached one of the armchairs and settled down, grabbing the news paper on the most top.


I scoffed as I read the words that headlined every front page of newspapers all over the world. Of course, he would manage. After Theodore's death, he is the only one that will manage their business.

"As stated by Elizabeth Jeon, Theodore Jeon's wife, their son will be the next one to run Jeon Industries with the help of his wife, Pranpriya Manoban."

I let puff of air escape my lips as I placed the paper down on the table, I swallowed hardly and leaned on the chair. I have been reading this article again and again for a year now, but still it hasn't sink inside my system.


*One year ago*

After a month, I have been finally discharged from the hospital. The doctors advised me to take some rest so my sister decided to take me to their mansion, where she and her husband's family lived.

And for a month of staying in the hospital, Lisa never came back after that night.

She made me ask questions to myself and also to the people around me. Yes, they gave answers but they're never enough to clear my mind.

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