At the Police Station

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Hi Ashley we have your brothers and his friends in custody until their court date "said the policeman".

Now could you start of by telling me your side of the story. Well me & supposedly my Bestfriend Dominique went to the party together she had got drunk so she went up stairs with a boy. I was looking for my boyfriend so I went in to ask her where he was , and I saw her and my boyfriend having yunno. I went to tell my brother & he came up there and started fighting Charles , then his homeboys jumped in. Is that right ? "said the officer" . Yes sir "she replied". I didn't mean for any of this to go down like this.

I mean I kind of knew that Dominique was jealous but I didn't think she would betray me after all these years we have been Bestfriends. Yes she is wrong for what she did , but Ashley I'm going to have to keep you over night "the officer said". The next morning Ashley was released. She went to the hospital to see Charles , because she felt bad for him. Charles was in ICU. She brought him a letter and ballons. The doctors said he may have brain damage . She cried so hard , "lord why I didn't mean for this to even go wrong". A couple of weeks passed by and Charles finally was in good of enough strength to talk to police officers. He told his side of the story. Later on that day Ashley came to visit him. Hey how are you feeling "she said". Uhh well I guess I feel a lot better than I was "Charles replied. Well that's good I've been praying for you. Thank you "Charles said. Well Ashley I was trying to explain you what happened uhhhhhh uhhhh. Help help help !!!!!!!! "Ashley screamed". I need a doctor in here now. The doctors escorted Ashley out of the room into the waiting room. She couldn't be in the room while they where with Charles. She prayed saying "lord I hope he is okay , thinking I herself "is he dead" no no no please don't be . She waited in the waiting room patiently. The doctors said that they would let her know something by morning. So Ashley spent a night at the hospital in the lobby. Ashley fell asleep "is this a dream ? Is all of this really happening , I can't believe what is going on". She woke up around 8:30 a.m , but visiting hours didn't start until 10:30 a.m. I was frightened everything in my life was falling apart she thought. I sat there and waited time seem like it took for every to come around "she said ". It's 9:15 I went to the snack machine and bought me a big texas cinnamon roll. I took a nap and woke back up it was 10:20. I waited 10 more minutes for business hours to open. I walked to the front desk to ask what had happened. The doctors said some how he had been poisoned with a substance. Ashley began to cry "she asked well will he be able to live"? There is a possibility, but the police have to take you in because you were the only one with him during that time. Ashley is nervous because she knows she would never do such a thing to harm Charles , she's in love with the dude. Maybe Dominique snuck something into his Iv while know one was looking she thought. Should I tell the detective this,they make think I'm crazy or something. She decided to tell detective. He said they would have to keep her until they got back on whose finger prints they where. By this time it's night time. It is now the day she finds out whose finger prints they are. She's back in the detectives office he tells her that he has bad news. She said "WHAT DETECTIVE HOBBS." The fingerprints are yours Ashley and you will be going to jail until further notice. What this is Impossible I would never do this to Charles I love him dearly "tears are just running down her face". Ashley has now been in jail for at least 2 weeks. Today is her court day. Charles is in good enough shape to come. Everybody that was there the night of the incident was at court. Dominique was the only person who didn't show up. People grew suspicious about her , because if she wasn't guilty didn't she wouldn't have a reason not to show up. Dominique is at home with her parents, and I'm spending time in jail for no reason. If she really was a real friend why would she be doing all these things to me. Police we're going to Dominique's house to find evidence and clues to see if she had anything to do with poisoning Charles.

Ashley is just sitting in her cell waiting to see if the will release her. She's thinking "My life is falling a part all because of that stupid girl Dominique. I actually trusted her. Dominique was basically like a sister too me. Nobody has really been here for me.

Maybe I should just leave uhhhhh uhhhh. Somebody help , somebody help her a person screamed in the jail. Ashley was rushed to the hospital.....

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