To feel like I can keep everything behind doors
Knowing no one would see through
Taking the pressure as it pass by
Yet sometimes it breaks through
Too much to bare
Yet I keep it all hidden
Hiding a cry
Hiding messages only the pen knows
Hiding feelings harbored
Wishing it won't make others feel worseIt make me slumber
Feeling as if the world is all blue
I remember words, all different yet they say the same messageBackstabber
You did it in purpose didn't you? You meant hurting me
You are just blaming others you are the reason too you know
Don't talk to me
We can't give you all our times we are busy too
We'll talk when we can
You never cared for her did you?Every word and feeling they sent stuck in my memory
Every pressure point and as it pushed through from time to time
The creeks of the door opening sending a cry out
An alcohol in disguise
Tippsy with emotions
Yet trying to keep them hiddenThey are ones I don't deserve
This is a passing moment and it will pass
The door will close again soon
No one will knowShow a smile
Fake a yawn if cry slipped
Blame it on nature
Blame it on sleep
There is nothing to show
The door is closedWelcome back my friend
The door has opened again this time the trigger is dopamine and its crash
"What about your other friends? Didn't you have friends back there? What did you do with them?"
PoetryEvery one of us is addicted to something Be it physical, emotional, or psychological They are there in different forms Some might seem like needs to others But to some these addictions feel so right While others feel off just keeping up with it to...