Chapter 2: You Must Be Crazy!!

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Chapter 2: You Must Be Crazy!!

Jacob's POV (Point Of View)

After I finished talking to (Y/N) I went on stage to start sound check. Sound check was going well until the DJ played the last record that I was suppose to perform. Fantasy Girl. It's very rare that I ever perform this song any more, but today was one of those rare moments where I was going to perform it. (Y/N) I thought She was the whole reason why i was going to perform it live on stage again for the first time in almost two years. I was going to bring her up on stage and sing it to her, but now that's she sick I can't do that. Why lord? Why? Why out of all days did she have to get sick? I guess my mom must of notice that I was falling down because the next thing I know she's walking on stage asking the DJ if he could stop the song.

Jacob: Mom why did you do that

Miss Tish: Because I could tell that you just weren't into it

Jacob: (Roll his eyes at his mom) Maaaaaa... It's the last song. I'm tired. I just went threw my whole performance.

Miss Tish: I understand Jake It's just that this is one of your most personnel songs and you don't look or sound like your pouring your heart out like you did in your others songs. And this being one of your most meaningful songs I just expected you to give it your all.

Jacob: (Sarcastic voice) Well I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to disappoint you (Rolls eyes once again)

Miss Tish: Enough with the eye rolling and sarcasm Jake (Raises voice causing a few people to stare) Who do you think you are speaking to?!?!?! Talking to me like you're crazy!! I don't care if your almost GROWN You will respect me!! You understand!?!?!

Jacob: Yes Ma'ma (Looks down embarrassed at all of the people that just watched his mom go off on him)

Miss Tish: Look at me when you're speaking to me BOY!! (Sighs) Jake you know I love you with all of my heart and I only want what's best for you and what's best for you is not to speak to me in a sarcastic way or roll your eyes at me when I'm being serious.

Jacob: I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to disrespect you. You know I love you (Jacob says while hugging his mom?

Miss Tish: (Smiles) I love you too (She says while hugging him back)

As they both pull out of the hug Miss Tish notices that her son still isn't his happy cheerful self

Miss Tish: Jacob you know that you can tell me anything right?

Jacob: Yeah I know (Fake Smiles) Can we please continue with the sound check please Mom? (He says in a baby voice)

Miss Tish: (Laughs) Of course son (Smiles) (Miss Tish stills feels like there's something wrong with Jacob, but she doesn't say any thing} (Walks off stage)

Jl: (Whistles to get everyones attention) So there's been a change in plans I will no longer be performing "Fantasy Girl" (Confuse looks spreads across the room like wild fire. Jacob oblivious of the looks continues) I'll be performing "Know You" instead. (Walks off stage and goes to his dressing room to gather his stuff and leave)

Your POV

After I sent a quick text to Diggy telling him that the plan was indeed in full effect. I decided to cuddle with Mr. Snuggles until it was time to put the plan into effect. The plan was for me to make Jacob believe that I wasn't going to his show tonight than surprise him with a special performance later on that night. Poor Jacob (I thought) :( I know that my baby must be feeling down, but I know that doing this will be worth it in the end.

What KIND on performance are you giving Jacob in FRONT of all of his Jacob Jewels?  How will Jacob react? Well you'll find all of this out in the next chapter TTYL for now :)

Hey Y'all it's me Annie and I hope that you enjoyed chapter two of my Jacob Love story :) Please tweet me or comment down below on what you think of my story so far.

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