Chapter 7: "Oh my gosh! Jake!"

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As I woke you I realized that I still had my phone to my ear and as I checked to see what time it was I heard a light sore and I instantly knew that it was Jacob. I can't believe that we fell asleep on the phone again! Well... actually I can. This always happens after one of his shows or one of our dates. It was like a tradition of ours.

"Babe..." I said softly into the phone not wanting to scare him

He didn't answer, so I said more firmly into the phone "Babe!"

"Hm Hm Hm Morning Morning" He said a little grouchy

I chuckled at the sound of his sexy morning voice "Jake, When are you picking me up?"

"Around noon" He said

"Okay babe! I'm gotta go get ready. I'll see you then" I said, while shifting on my bed to look at my Pooh Bear alarm clock, which read 10:45 and I knew that I would need every single bit of that time to prepare myself for the wonderful day ahead of me

"TTYL babe" He hung up without saying another word. I knew that he was gotta go ready back to sleep as I got up and made my way toward the bathroom in my room.

Jacob's POV

As I pulled up to Y/N's house I saw unfamiliar car parked in my usually spot. Well... it's actually the guest spot, but I've never seen a car other then mine parked then, unless I came to dinner with my family. I quickly parked my car in the middle of the driveway and got out. I was really curious to know, who it was that parked in my spot.

As I rang the door bell I chuckled to myself when I heard their latest door bell. It was the very funny, famous comedian Kevin Hart saying "You ain't got no nipple!!!!!" Once in a while Y/N's brother would change their door bell to something funny, instead of the standard "Ding Dong" which was, so freaking played out. No one really understood how he did it. We just knew that he would change it every so often.

I looked up at the sound of someone running towards the door and opening it. I expected Y/N's Mom or her older brother Aaron to open it, but I didn't expect this pretty chocolate color girl to open the door. She looked a little bit like Y/N, but not a whole lot. I could tell that she was a bit older than Y/N.

"Hey! You must be Jacob! I'm Brianna. Y/N's cousin." She said, while extending her manicure hand

"It's good to finally meet you. Y/N talks about you a lot" I said, while shaking her hand

She laughed before saying "I hope they were all good things" She moved aside, inviting me in, while doing so

"Y/N will be down in a couple of minutes. I'm gonna go check on her. Make yourself at home" Brianna said before disappearing upstairs. I guess that was her car outside


I was riding in the car with Jake with a blind fold over my face. I had no idea as to where he was taking me and I was getting annoyed by the minute. I absolutely hate surprises and he knows that, but he loves surprises and I understand, but maybe he should limit the surprises to maybe 2... no 3 a year instead of at least one every month. Maybe I'm being self fish. I am his girl after all and what's the point of having money if you can't spend it on the one that you love?

I signed deeply before saying "Are we there yet?

Jacob let out a small deep chuckle before saying "No babe, but we're almost there"

I sat in the passenger seat a little bit straight, trying to relax as much as possible, before we reach our destination.

It was less then ten minutes later before I heard Jake pulling into a parking lot and cutting off the engine to his precious car

"We're here babe" Jake said in a singalong voice

"Good! Can I take this stupid thing off of my face?" I said clearly irritated

"Nope! Not until we get inside" He said before getting out the car to open the car door for me and to guide me, but since I was clearly irritated with him I told him that I wasn't blind, which was ironic at the moment and I started to walk by myself, walking straight into a pole and fell on my behind in the process of me trying to be independent. Jake ran straight to me and asked if I was okay and I said "Yeah!" and I let Jacob pull me to my feet and not letting go of one of his hands before he started laughing like a mad man.

"That's what you get! I see now that you want me to help you huh?" He said, while giving my hand a little squeeze before proceeding to walk towards our destination...

"Can I take this stupid thing off my face now?" I asked for the second time, since we left the car

"No, Just wait a sec" Jake said, with a little bit of attitude in his voice "Now you can" He said after going thew a series of what I thought were doors

He didn't have to tell me twice! I quickly took off it off. Walking around to try and see where exactly we were. I stopped walking for a brief moment realizing where we were "Oh my gosh! Jake!" I ran to him and jump on him, while hugging him in the process.

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