Chapter 6: Just CALM Down!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As Morgan and Tess continued to walk confidently towards the crew, Jacob made sure that he kept a tight grip on Y/N's hand because he knew that she was like a ticking bomb. One bad move and she would explode.

"If it isn't 2/4 of MB and Jacob Latimore with their Ratchet things that they call girlfriends..." Morgan says as soon as her big fat crusty feet plants itself right in front of Amoir. Her and Amoir don't get along at all!!! Amoir never has liked her because she always saw right threw her fake personality that she put on for everybody

Her sidekick of a sister Tess snickers at the sound of her sister's first insult of the night

"What you say to me hoe?" Amoir says while taking out her diamond earrings that she got as a V-Day present from Ray. As she finishes taking off her earrings and put them in her purse she turns to look Tess straight in the eye "And you B*tch better shut yo hyena a@$ up! Before I shut it for you!!!!"

"Calm down babe. It's okay. Don't let them get the best of you" Ray says trying to calm his girlfriend and avoid drama at all costs

"Did you not just here this trick insult my besties and I? You know that won't sit right with me unless someone's weave is on the ground and you know it ain't gone be me or my besties because we're all natural" Amoir finishes off what she's saying with a death glare throw that both of the twins

In the meanwhile it's like everyone's frozen in their spot as they listen to Amoir and Ray bicker back and fourth

"Jacob can you please take me home" Y/N says without taking her eyes off of either of the twins because she knows that their notorious for throwing sucker punches and she'll be damn if she let either of them throw a sucker punch at her or either of her besties

"Sure babe" Jacob says this with relive fulled in his voice. He's seen Y/N fight a couple times before and he knew that she always came out of the battle scratch-less. He hated when she fought. It's like she because a whole new person that he wasn't used to. He was used to seeing her as this sweet, innocent, nice girl that she fell in love with not the complete opposite. He knew that he had to get her out of there and fast.

"Bye y'all be safe" Y/N and Jacob said in unison as they left.


As we drove away from the park I couldn't help, but feel like I just accomplished something big. I didn't leave my angry get the best of me like it used to usually do. If it wasn't for Jacob being there and holding my hand there was no telling what I would of done. You see when I'm mad I don't talk much. I let my actions speak for itself. Which can be bad most of the time. Plus I knew what Tess and Morgan wanted. They wanted a reaction out of Amoir and I. They got what they wanted out of Amoir, but not me. Amoir is my ride or die. Before Sherra came into the picture it was always Amoir and I. We were inseparable. We still are. It's just that our twosome because a threesome when we let Sheera into our picture. Sheera's cool. She's my other ride or die and there's no doubt in my mind that if something happened tonight that she would of been right with us in the mixed if she felt like we needed help, since it wouldn't have been fair if it was three up against two tall tiny broads.

"Babe, Are you okay" My Prince Charming said breaking my silence.

"Yeah, I just can't believe that Prince and Prod would do that to me, to us (Amoir, Sheera and You). They know how much Amoir and I dislike those two, so why would they bring they over to us? Why would they don't out on a date with them period?" You starting getting all worked up over the situation again

"Y/N it's not what you think okay..." Jacob managed to say before getting cut off by a streaming Y/N

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK!!!!!!!JACOB I WAS RIGHT THERE!!!!!!! I MAY WEAR GLASSES, BUT I'M NOT BLIND!!!!!! UGH!!!!!" As you take a deep breath trying to cool yourself down you ask Jacob the million dollar question "Did you know that they were going to be there?" You turn to look at Jacob and he takes his eyes off of the rode for a split second.

"I knew that they were all going on a double date, but I didn't know that they were going to be there" 'He replies with an uncertain look on his face. He knew that Y/N was about to shut down

"I can't believe that you didn't tell me. You know that I would of tried to talk some sense into Prince and Prod" Y/n replies hurt

As Jacob pulls into your driveway he turns and shut off his car and turns to face you, but you're looking outside of the window

"I know that's why Prince and Prod told me not to tell you. I would of, but they made me promise" Jake says turning to redirect your face to his

"Whatever" You said opening the door yourself and getting out without saying good-bye to Jacob

"Babe, Listen to me real quick" Jake says opening his opening and running towards the other side before you've fully been able to close the door. He turns you around and kisses you hard on the lips. You were shocked at first, but you soon got out of your shock and began kissing him back. He pushed you up against his car and deepen the kiss, but sadly y'all little make out session was interrupted by of course your idiotic older brother

"Aye! Yo Jacob! Stop sucking my sister's face off" Your brother says as she approaches you and Jacob while both of y'all are trying to straighten yourselves out mentally and physically.

You send your brother one of your infamous death glares and then focus your attention back to your love. "Babe, I'll see you later okay?" You tell Jacob before kissing him and telling him to call you when he gets home. He says TTYL and promises to call you when he gets home and kisses you hand and passionately before getting in his car and driving off.

"Y'all are disgusting. You know that" Your brother says with a disgusted look on his face

"Don't be mad that you ain't got nobody in your life to show you any love besides Mom and Dad" You say leaving your stupid older brother speechless before processing to walk into the house and go up the stairs to your bedroom and putting out your favorite pajamas and heading to your en suite in your bedroom and getting ready for bed.

After you showed and brushed your teeth and put on your PJ's you here the sound of Jacob's voice coming from your phone. Before your phone stops ringing the custom made ringtone that Jacob made just for you you answer it.

"Hey babe! Did you make it home safely?" You say sweetly into the phone

"Yeah, Babe I did. So, we didn't get to finish our conversation from earlier. Are you still made?" Jacob says for the second time that night with uncertainty in his voice

"No, Babe I'm not mad. I may of overreacted only because I want what's best for Prod and Prince just how I want what's best for you and all of my friends. I just don't want them dating the twins, but it's their choice at the end of the day" You say while laying down on your bed

"I know babe. Anyways... I have a surprise for you? " Jake say with a new founded happiness in his voice.

"You do?" You asked confused

"Yup!!! You'll see what it is later on..." Jake says with a smirk on his face

"No, No, No!!!! Jake you know that I hate surprises "You say rolling your eyes, even though he can't see you

"I know, but it's a good surprise!!! You'll love it babe!!!!" He says making you realize that he's not going to know what the surprise is until he shows you it. You guys continue to talk and flirt back and fourth until you guys fall asleep, without hanging up the phone...

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