~Chapter One~ Dysfunctional

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Bryn's POV

"Bryndalyne River, you need to get up or you are going to be late for work," I could hear my mother yelling from the other side of my door. Immediately jumping up from the bed and looking at the clock to see that it was already 11:34 and I had to be a work by 12. I ran to the pile of clothing in the corner and grabbed my knee length black skirt and white button up shirt with my navy blue apron. Quickly getting dressed I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and placing my black tennis shoes on and running out of my bedroom door. I ran past my younger sister, Rayin, rolling her eyes at me as I made it to the front door. Right as I started to walk down the driveway I could feel the same uneasy feeling of someone watching me. Ignoring it like always I continued on my way to work.

Coming up on a small cafe, looking down at my watch I see that it is 11:56

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Coming up on a small cafe, looking down at my watch I see that it is 11:56. I made it just in time. Walking inside I see my friend Emma already behind the counter. She looked up at me with a smile as I walked closer over to her. "I could has swore you weren't going to come today," she said as she let out a small giggle.

"Well maybe if I woke up on time I wouldn't have almost been late," I told her as I grabbed my pad and a pen and walked over to my first table. Once I made it over there, I saw a middle aged man with greying hair. " Hello my name is Bryn and I will be your server today, can I start you off with something to drink," I looked at him to see him smirking at me.

"How about a tall glass of you," he said while giving me a disgusting wink.

"Unfortunately that is not on the menu but I can get you a soda sir," I remarked with disgust lacing my voice.

"A diet Pepsi then and your number hot stuff," I am so close to vomiting all over this man.

"I can make one of those things happen," I said while walking over to the soda machine. I quickly poured his drink and walked back to his table to see him staring at me. I placed in down in front of him and began to speak, "Do you need more time?" He shook his head.

"Well I will take cheeseburger and whatever you want sweetheart," he said while he placed his hand on my arm causing me to flinch and walk away. I handed the ticket to the cook. This is a great way to start my day. I walked into the bathroom and pulled my phone out to see I had two messages, one from my mother and one from an unknown number. I clicked on the one from my mom and saw that she was just reminding me that I have to go to my dad's house after work. Opening the message from the unknown number. 'You don't have to worry about the pig princess I will take care of him-A.M.T." How the fuck could be texting me and what do they fucking mean. I refused to text this person back and went back to my job to see that the man who was just sitting at the table I was waiting on had disappeared. Well that was weird.

I was finally finished with my shift and I was now walking to my dad's house which wasn't to far away from my mother's house. The same feeling came over me from earlier. Looking around I saw nothing but there had to be someone watching me. Pushing the feeling out of my mind, I began to speed up and made it to my father's house faster than I thought I would. When I walked into the house I saw my sister and my father sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hi Bryn, how was work?" my father asked as I went and sat down on one of the chairs in the small living room.

"It was okay dad, nothing happened really just boring like normal," I said as I removed my shoes and apron. He simply just nodded and went back to watching the movie. I sat there for a few minutes before heading over to my room and quickly changing into a pair of black sleeping shorts and one of my favorite grey baggy shirts. I jumped into the small bed and began to scroll on Instagram before another text from the unknown number came through. 'I am glad that you got home safely. Sleep well goodnight my princess-A.M.T.' I placed my found down on the nightstand and let my mind begin to wonder on how this person knows where I am and what is happening in my life. Letting those thoughts go I closed my eyes and began to drift to sleep and everything around me filled with black.

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