~Chapter Seven~ His Past

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Bryn's POV

The door opened shortly opened to reveal Alex holding what looked like an ice pack. She walked over to me and set it down on my stomach causing me to let out a scream. "I'm sorry," she said taking the pillows from the bed and placing them under my back to prop me up. "He was never like this until Ezra handed over the business to him," she said as tears started to form in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked thinking about what that man had just done to me. He was cruel it hard to ever think that he was a sweet boy.

"He is our only son and he was perfect but when he started to get older he started to think that everyone was out of him and would fight with anyone at school and even his sisters but when it was just me and his father he was the sweetest child we had," everything she was telling me wasn't making sense. How could someone go from being a sweet child to hurting the girl he says he loves. "The day he came and told us that he found a girl we were happy because we thought that is was going to change him back but we were wrong," she must have been talking about me. I remember when I first started to get those texts when I was fifteen and then shortly I never felt like I was alone because he was always watching me.

"Shortly after he told Ezra how old you were and that he was stalking you, he thought about how he didn't want another woman to ever have to go through what I did," even though she want thought this I could tell just by the way she was talking that it was never this bad. "We ended up telling him to leave you alone and for awhile he did but it made him worse. He would never come home at nights and when he did he would either come back from watching you or drunk."

"You need to get him help and send him far away and get me out of this hell hole" I said just trying to move closer to her but stopping when all I could feel was pain in my gut. She pushed me back down and started to talk again.

"I have tried so many times but Ezra just keeps saying that it will be fine he will get over it, but here you are in my house hurt from my son's hand," she looked over at the door to see the door knob starting to jiggle. Atlas slowly entered the room and was taken back by the sight that was in front of him.

"Mother would it be okay if I talk to Bryn alone?" he asked coming closer to us. She nodded looking at me before mouthing it will be okay and getting up and walking out of the room.

He came over to me and sat down next to me with a smile on his face as he pulled out his phone to show me a picture of a large white house in the middle of the forest. . "I bought us a house and it's already furnished and we are going to be moving in there tonight," I was going to be fully alone with this man and no one is going to be able to stop him. I can't be here that whole faking this has gone out the window and I have to find a way to get out this horrible place but it's going to have to wait because I am in no state to even move on my own. He looked over at me and wiped the tears from my eyes that I didn't even know where falling down my face. A kiss was placed on my forehead before getting out of the bed and walking over to what looked like a closet and started to throw all the clothing hanging up into boxes that I never noticed where there.

    This went on for awhile before everything in this room was in boxes and all I could do was watch

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This went on for awhile before everything in this room was in boxes and all I could do was watch. He tried to start to conversations with me but after awhile of me not answering he just gave up and started to pack faster. This was actually happening and I wasn't going to be surrounded by people that would protect me but I know that I won't be there for long and I will never have to see him again and I can go back to living my normal fucked up life.

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