~Chapter Six~ Waking Up Again

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Bryn's POV

My eyes shot open and I found myself in the same room that I left and never thought I would be in again. I tried to get up and but my arms pulled me back down and I looked up to see rope tied to the bedposts and wrapped around my wrists. The door slowly opened to see Atlas walking in holding something that looked like a whip. "Well it looks like someone is awake," he said as he walked closer to me and lifted the thin fabric of my shirt revealing my stomach. "Do you having anything to tell me before we get started here," a smirk was formed on his face.

"You are a sick fuck," I shouted at him as tears started to flow down my face.

"Well that was not what I was looking for Miss Bryndalyne," he said as he raised his arms and the whip was brought down hard on my stomach. A scream escaped my lips. "I want you to count and if you don't I will start over," the whip was brought back down to my stomach with another scream following. "This will be alot easier on you if you fucking count." It met my stomach again and I barely muttered one.

"Twenty," I whispered hoping that it was finally over. Atlas come over to me and removed the ropes from my wrists. I looked down at my stomach to see deep cuts formed and fresh blood and some already dried blood. I went to sit up and a horrible pain was shot through my abdomen.

"Don't try to get up," Atlas said as he pushed me back down on the bed and walked over to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit. He sat down next to me and started to pulled random things out and took some cream rubbing it all over my stomach which caused it to burn more. Shortly after he took some wrapping and held me up slowly and started to wrap the whole thing around my stomach. I was laid back down on the bed. "I hope that you learned your lesson. I don't want to do that to you again unless I need to," he said placing a kiss on my head and turning on the T.V.. He got back up and walked out of the room leaving me by myself.

How did I ever get myself into this mess? I was just a teenager with everything in the world in front of me, but here I am laying on a bed just after getting beat. Why would anyone ever treat someone like that. I know that my life wasn't perfect but it was much better then what I have been thrown into. I just imagine my family sitting on a couch, my mother and father finally together again crying with my sister in their arms worrying about my safety. They have to me worried about me looking for me. But when I went back it was like nothing ever happened. They believed that I was at Emma's house and they acted like I was never gone but now they are going to have to do something because there is no way that I am getting out in this state. The only thing that I will be able to do is plan my way out of here.

I need to get close to him and make him believe that this is where I want to be and he needs to trust me, but what if he knows that I am faking this? That is going to have to come at another time. First I need to gain his trust even if that means I have to get all buddy up with him. That thought grossed me out thinking about my resting up on his chest but I am going to have to fake it to the best of my ability. There is a part of me that knows that he isn't going to fall for this shit, he found me after me being gone for only a few short hours. But I am going to do my best to make him believe that everything I do is real.

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