1 - Noelle's Soulmate Searching

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I swallowed the lump in my throat as the interviewer looked over my resumé. He clicked his tongue a couple of times and squinted harder at the paper.

I thought it was a good resumé. I used a Word template for it and everything. He was making me nervous. The interview had gone well so far, but now he was scrutinizing my job experience like I was applying for a job with the FBI. All I was applying for was a game development job. It wasn't like you needed a background check and a fingerprint scan... right?

I glanced around the office I was sitting in, unsticking my legs from the uncomfortably stiff leather chair. This sleeveless work dress was not my preferred style of clothing but I had to suffer if I wanted to make money. I was already living with a roommate, I needed to at least contribute to rent and groceries. Being laid off last week sucked but the company I had been with filed for bankruptcy, so getting another job as soon as possible seemed like the best course of action.

As I was lost in thought over my financial insecurities, the interviewer cleared his throat, making me look up.

"So.. Miss Yang, you have experience in game design?" He asked.

Duh, you old fool. That's what the resumé says in 14 point Garamond font. Can you read or do you have fucking mole vision?

"Yes sir. It was what I went to school for as well," I added.

"Good," he nodded, looking back over the paper. "How many games have you worked on?"

If you could read, you'd be able to tell that the answer is four, I thought. Of course I didn't say it out loud.

"Four, sir. All of them ended up going through to post-production, beta-testing and release," I responded.

"Ah, that's excellent. What games are they? Are they any I would know or are they... indie?" He asked.

"Uh, most of them were indie games, sir. The first one I worked on, uh.. that one was called Inside. It got pretty popular, uh, I think it's ninety-three on the Steam 250 ranking list right now," I swallowed, finding my throat dry. "And the others were called West of Loathing, uh.. The Forest and um... Shower With Your Dad Simulator..," I said, cringing a little.

It was funny to talk about with your friends, but not so funny to tell your possible future employer.

"Well, those are all titles I've certainly... heard of... so impressive work," he shrugged with a lighthearted attitude.

Maybe I had a shot here.

"Just a few more questions and then we can wrap this all up," he started. "What was your role in the development process of each of these games? In a nutshell, really, you don't have to go into too much detail. That's what the resumé is for!" He laughed.

If that's what the resumé was for, then why did I need to answer the questions anyway?

"Uh, sure! Yeah, so, my role in all of those was basically just the codework. I didn't design the graphics, but I did a lot of the action-sequence and if-then scenario sequence coding and a LOT of beta-testing and reprogramming," I chuckled.

He didn't seem to think I was very funny.

I thought this interview had been going so well before?!

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