9 - Noelle's Cool Roommate

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The drive home was very interesting that night after going to Chris's place to record.

"Soooo... that went well," Zach said, turning to me after we'd hardly turned off of Chris's street. He was holding back a smile. I could see it in my peripheral vision.

"Mhm....," I nodded. "Again, I don't hate Chris. He's just very cool and I get nervous when I'm around him."

"You don't get nervous around me and Tomar. Are we not cool?" Zach asked.

I kept my eyes on the road but let a small smile creep onto my face.

"Wow, that's harsh, Noelle," Zach sighed. "Maybe I should find a new roommate."

I scoffed. "Good luck finding someone who tolerates you. Sorry, that was mean," I added quickly.

"Jesus Christ," Zach laughed incredulously. "What's up with you?"

I fell silent. Should I tell Zach about the phone call? He'd tried to ask earlier but I knew the guys were probably listening and I was still kind of in shock. Then the movie and recording had sort of helped me feel better and I forgot about it for a bit, but... clearly Zach hadn't forgotten.

I took a deep breath as we rolled up to a stoplight and I glanced over at Zach in the dim, late evening light.

"I have cancer," I admitted.

Zach blinked and he sort of cocked his head sideways a little bit in confusion. "Like... is this a bit... or?"

"No, no, no... I have.. I have cancer. The phone call earlier, the- the crying.. it was cause my doctor called," I said, feeling a lump rise to my throat.

My voice cracked towards the end and I cleared my throat, hoping that would fix it. Zach had never seen me cry. I was hoping to not break the streak.

"Wha- I-... that's.. that's awful, Noelle," Zach responded after a moment. "I'm... that's insane. I can't believe it. Are.. are you gonna be okay? Like what ... type.. is it?" He asked gingerly.

"Breast cancer," I responded. The light turned green and I turned back to the steering wheel, feeling tears prick the sides of my eyes. "There's a good chance it'll be okay, since the doctor caught it early and stuff... but... then again, it's still breast cancer."

"Shit," Zach mumbled. "Do you have to get... chemo? Or anything?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe. Probably."

"Noelle, I'm really sorry. That really is the worst," Zach frowned.

"Yeah. It is. Thanks," I nodded.

The rest of the drive home was mostly silent. It wasn't until we were about two blocks from the apartment that I spoke again.

"I don't want to call my mom to tell her," I spoke. It was dark by now, so I had to turn to speak directly to Zach.

"You should, though. She'd be worried about you."

"I know, I know, but that's why I don't want to tell her. You've never met my mom. My mom is crazy," I blinked. "I don't want to tell Chris and Tomar either. But I should, right? At least so I can apologize for acting weird earlier."

"I don't think you have to apologize. And it's your business. Only you can decide whether or not you want to tell them," Zach responded. "I'm not gonna mention anything without you telling me to."

We pulled into the parking garage below the building and I pulled up into my spot.

"I'll text them. And I'll call my mom. Ugh, this sucks so bad," I sighed, turning off the engine and slumping forward to lean against the steering wheel.

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