10 - Chris Plans a Party

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Chris's POV

I woke up to the sounds of meowing and pressure on my chest. My eyes opened to reveal Mango laying on me, staring at me intently.

"Mango," I laughed, gently reaching out from under the blanket to pet her. "What are you doing?"

She started purring, leaning into my hand as I scratched behind her ears.

"C'mon, you big baby," I chuckled, picking her up. I squeezed myself out of the covers and hopped up, carrying Mango with me out of my bedroom and into the kitchen.

I yawned as I padded over to the Keurig machine, turning it on and grabbing a mug from the cabinet so it would heat up for a fresh mug of coffee. While that did its thing, I fed Mango. Yuki was still sleeping on the couch like a big sleepy baby. Mango was the problem child.

"Here, now leave me alone," I chuckled, setting Mango's food down on the floor. My coffee was ready by now so I took it back to my room, nearly tripping over Mango who was always underfoot and in the way.

I stumbled down the hallway, careful not to spill my coffee. I set down the mug on my nightstand and grabbed my phone off the charger where it was nearby. On the homescreen were multiple texts from Tomar, Zach, and my soulmate. Not only that, but I had numerous reminders about all the things I needed to do today.

It was kind of overwhelming.

I read through everyone's messages. Tomar wanted to plan a birthday party for Zach at my house. Zach told me about how Noelle was doing. My soulmate responded.

My soulmate responded!

I opened the message but before I had a chance to read it, I got a call from Tomar. I accidentally hit 'accept' and groaned mentally.


"Hey, Tomar," I responded.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked. "You sound tired."

"No, I was up. Barely... but I was," I laughed back.

I took my phone and my coffee into my recording room which doubled as an office. I had some work to get done. I figured I'd multitask.

"Okay, well, do you have a second? I really think having a party for Zach would be fun," Tomar continued. "You mentioned having it at your house a few months back, so...."

I rolled my eyes into my skull. I didn't remember saying that but I believed that I said it. I hated cleaning up after parties. I couldn't say no to Zach and Tomar though .... and parties were fun.

I sighed audibly. "Yeah, okay. We can figure something out here."

I turned on my computer and took a sip of my coffee as it booted up. I was gonna work on the music for Bowlbo a little bit. It was bugging me that I hadn't finalized a lot of it yet.

"Okay, cool," Tomar responded excitedly. "So... uh.... have you talked to Noelle?"

Way to shift the topic, Tomar.

"Not directly. Zach passed along my texts though," I explained.

"You should call her or something. I'm sure she'd be grateful. Or better yet, take her out to dinner. It'd be the nice thing to do."

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