Chapter one

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Umiko's POV

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Umiko's POV

It had been many years since I had left Demon World to live with members of my kind in Yutakana shizen, which is also known as The Elemental World. Despite living amongst each element, I was sadly taught by a cult in their ways in manipulating our energy to manipulate water. These women are known as the Water Sisters. They soon sent me off to my suppose Godfather, who is a Demon, and as I am technically half Demon they saw it beneficial to learn under him in a short while. My Godfather lives in a place called Maze Castle and due to it being made how he and the other allies wanted it, he could train me to control my ice powers in an open space. But like the Water Sisters, I had too left him and had not seen or heard from them in years.

I had returned to Yutakana shizen but was kept under the care of many other hands. That is until things got messy. I got involved in things that I wish I never got involved in, but if I didn't I wouldn't have ended up here. Even if it has been years since I had last seen or heard from him. I am currently living in a house by the sea all the way in Greenland, which was previously owned by a Human Psychic that I met after leaving those who had trained me to dislike humans. She took me in and helped me out with some of my problems and offered me a way out of a lot of things that I wanted out of. I am currently sitting out in the garden behind my home in my garden chair, which resides beside the old psychic's now empty rocking chair, with a cup of green tea laying on my lap. My eyes move towards the thing that always calls for their attention, the water that now reflects my image distortedly as it flows to the beach or clash against the earth edges that occasionally drops eroded rocks into it. However, as the water is calm currently I see the image of a young woman with blue hair, blue eyes that hold emotion, occupied by a flowy shirt and trousers that are various shades of blue and yellows. And my mother's special tear necklace pocking out of my collar.

I couldn't help but begin to move my right hand to my necklace to hold onto it tight and close my eyes so that memories can cloud my vision and let me immerse myself back into those times. That was until...

"HEY UMIKO!", a bubbly voice called out to me, making me smile when I realise who it was. "Good morning, Botan. What do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?" I reply as I turn to see the sweet grim reaper, who too had blue hair but had pink eyes, jumped off her oar and ran towards me to tackle me into a hug.


"So Koenma wants me to come with you to spirit world for what reason again?" I ask Botan as we walk down the corridor of the spirit king's home towards the sector that was no doubt Koenma's office. "Listen Umiko, I know you wanted to be left alone from all this Spirit Detective business and just live in Human Worold in peace, but Koenma needs you." Botan says as we walk through the corridors. "He needs you to get a prisoner to stop trying to break out of prison and get him to work for us." It is then we arrive at Koenma's tall wooden doors that block us from Koenma's office. The doors then open, causing me to now face the small toddler wearing purple, who didn't look extremely happy about something. And beside his desk was a young feminine looking teenage boy with long red hair, who looked at me with curiosity but stopped when Koenma jumped from his desk into my arms "UMIKO!"

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