Authors Note

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Hello, and welcome to my first published story. Despite only publishing this now I've been in the process of writing and rewriting this puppy since 8th grade, back when life was good, when I actual had time to do something other than poor myself into work and school. So before we dive into this story some house keeping.

1. This story contains a sport, baseball. Am I an expert on baseball? Absolutely not so I apologize if what I write is incorrect or doesn't make sense to some of you, but this story is FICTION meaning not actually real. If it really does bother you, leave a polite comment and if I have time I will fix it.

2. As I have said previously my story is FICTIONAL so the place/places where this story goes down in I made up. Could I have looked up an actual location and gone off that, yeah sure. Did I want to? Not really. So apologies maybe one day I'll change it to an actual place...but I doubt it.

3. Couple things to be warned about. This book will contain swearing, and lots of it. The characters are teenagers and last I checked teenagers swear. As of now I don't have any other warning maybe a steamy make out or two but if things get graphic I WILL WARN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER. But we will cross that bridge when and if we come to it!

Other than that I hope you guys enjoy the story! If ya like it give me a vote throw in a comment or two to tell me how I'm doing!

- Rosie

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