Chapter 4

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Mike and Jessica peered down at me like savage dogs. Their faces bared smiles that should've have been illegal, being that they were close to the size of Texas. But that didn't matter what they looked like at the moment. I needed a plan. And fast. I looked around the room once more and weighed my options. Thinking about the water line once more, I decided on the general plan. This would be tricky, and I would have to time it perfectly, but I think I could pull it off.

"So," began Mike, "I think that I'll let Jessica take it from here and begin the process. Is that alright with you, Jessica, or do you need a minute to get all of your supplies ready?" Jessica turned toward him with her answer.

"I think that I just need to begin with lighting my scented candle and get out my therapeutic salts. Then we should be fine to begin."

"Wonderful," Mike said as he turned on his heel to leave the room. Opening the door he took one last look over his shoulder and gave me an evil smirk. "I hope all goes well." With that, he slammed the door and disappeared. Jessica, not bothered one bit by his unusual way of exiting a room, turned around and began walking to the table sporting her scented candle and salts.

"Well then," she began "Let's see what we have here and then we shall begin."

Now was my chance. I knew it. I had to act now and act fast. Easy enough for me, being my ADHD self, I was already ready for some action. Sitting in this chair for the short period of time I'd been awake in it was already making me antsy.

As Jessica's back was turned, working on the candles to light them, I closed my eyes and focused on the familiar tug in my gut as I felt around for the water pipes in the bathroom. A tighter pull in my lower stomach told me that I hit something, and that something was the bathroom water supply. Channeling that tug to move even more, I began to shake the plumbing. The walls in turn started to creak and groan due to the build up of pressure.

"What the- EEK!!!"

The toilet exploded and after that, everything was out of control.
Water rushed out of the bathroom door and began to fill up the room. I willed it to keep coming, longer, harder, stronger. Jessica screamed as the water rose to her ankles, and then in 30 seconds come up to her knees. She tried opening the door, but the water had already risen too high and the door was stuck. "WHAT THE... ARE YOU DOING THIS???!" The words were panic-stricken and forced out of her as if you were squeezing out tooth paste and it had no where else to go but out.

She was utterly terrified, and it was entirely my doing. I just kept my head lowered in concentration, only moving my eyes to look up at her menacingly and give her a smirk. She was panting now trying to remain calm but at the same time trying to find a means of escape. Sadly for her, there was none.

The water had risen to about my shoulders by now and I was getting so close to my goal of freedom.

"WE ARE BOTH GOING TO DROWN, YOU HEAR!" She made one more attempt at making me stop the water.

"You're wrong." I replied with a calm voice that scared her even more so. "Only one of us could possibly drown from this little trick."

The water began to rise around my eyes, and her shoulders. "What do you mean???! You're going to drown!!" She called out in a desperate attempt to even try to change my mind about ridding if the water.

But the water had risen so that I was entirely submerged in it. I used the water around me to untie my hands and feet from the chair and stood up. The water had now filled the room so that there was only some space left at the top for one to swim up and grasp for air.

Myself on the other hand, was able to breathe perfectly fine under the water. Ugh these stupid mortals. Why do they have to be so fragile?

I willed the water to stop as the entire room finished filling with water. Jessica had just taken her last breathe and became submerged in the new indoor swimming room I had made. I swam up to her, well more like willed the water to take me, close to Jessica as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Thanks for the attempt at therapy, but I think I should be good for now. At least until another war breaks out. But for now, I think I need to get back to my girlfriend. She's probably wondering where I am. I was supposed to meet her for coffee and now she's most likely going to kill me for disappearing." I smiled at her as her eyes got even wider than they were before. If her eyes could even get wider, that is.

With that, I reached into my pocket, finding my trusty ballpoint pen and uncapped it. I watched as it extended in a matter of seconds into my sword, Riptide. I willed the water to take me over to the nearest wall and poised myself to strike. Before I did though, I looked over my shoulder once more at the dumbstruck mortal floating before me and smiled brightly at her. "Thanks again. Chao!" Looking back at the wall, I slashed a hole through it with ease so that I could swim out. It would let some of the water drain after I left giving Jessica some air that she so desperately needed.

The wall that I had created a hole in lead to a kitchen of sorts. It smelled like burnt beans, but not just any kind of beans, coffee beans. Where the Hades was I? So I recapped my sword and walked down the hallway out of the kitchen area. I came across some double doors and heard voices coming from the other side. I would walk out casually but be prepared to fight at anytime. Here we go...




I swung the doors open and then-

"Percy! There you are! Where have you been? Why were you back there? You were supposed to meet me here an hour ago!" I was engulfed in a mop of blonde hair from a hug.

I knew that voice. I knew that mop of blonde hair that smelled so familiar like vanilla and a hint of salt. It was Annabeth!

I took a moment to look around. I was in the coffee shop that I was supposed to meet her at. Well at least I don't have to trek to try to get back.

"Oh you know, the usual; getting kidnapped by mortals who think you're insane because you killed a monster out of self defense so they think you need therapy so you had to escape." I explained that rather quickly.

"What." She said pulling away from me a tad. She seemed a bit confused, but not at all upset. I just pulled her back into a hug as I replied. "You know what, I'll tell you in detail later. But right now let's get out of here as quickly as possible... Buttttt only after we get some mochas to-go."

She giggled at my reply. "Okay then Seaweed Brain. Whatever you say."

After getting coffee and discussing what happened to Percy....

"Perce... I'm afraid to ask but, please at least tell me you wiped their memories with the mist..." Annabeth questioned me hesitantly after sipping the last bit of her mocha.

"Ummm I don't remember...?" Annabeth we gave me a look that sent shivers down my spine. And not in any sense a good way. No these were pure fear of my life.

"Well, I.... Maybe..... uhhhh... didn't...?" I gave her a sheepish smile as I shrugged my shoulders, attempting to look cute to avoid any sort of punishment. But I knew better than that. I knew what was coming.

Ears practically smoking and head likely ready to combust, she exploded.

"Hehe... sorry"

A/N: Welp, there you have it folks. Approximately 1,500 words to finish out this chapter. I can't even begin to thank you for staying loyal to my page. I know I have been super busy for what feels like forever but I'm so glad to have gotten this fanfic finally done. After the events that happened a while ago to this story and some others that I had already written, I have to be honest I wasn't very motivated to write. But I'm glad I've gotten this finished for you guys, and I hope you all enjoyed this fanfic! Thanks again to everyone for reading and sticking with me even though I have been MIA for quite a while. 😋 Stay Miraculous! (Dang it, wrong fandom...)

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