Part 1

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My Bucket List

~=Already checked it off

1.Travel to Paris

2.Travel to London

3.Fall in love<3

4.Kiss a guy with an accent

5.Jump into a taxi and yell "follow that car!"

6.Give a stranger a brief case, say "you know what to do" and walk away

7.Go karting~


9.Take awesome pictures on a dock at night~

10.Ride a shopping cart around a parking lot~

11.Change a life

12.Have a New Years kiss

13.Take pictures in an old-fashioned telephone booth (Like on One Directions Take Me Home CD cover)~

14.Ride a "short bus"~

15.Have a killer slumber party~

16.Eat WAY too much candy~

17.Ride a Double Decker bus

18.Have a silly string fight

19.Take a picture with someone I love in Time Square (NYC)

20.Have a Summer fling

21.Live in the city

22.Find myself

23.Stand up for what I believe in

24.Ride a roller coaster~

25.Try something new/do something completely out of character

26.Learn to skateboard

27.Have a day of perfect randomness

28.Drive a motorcycle

29.Go on an airplane

30.Meet my inspiration

31.Got to a concert~

32.Write a book

33.Take crazy photo-booth pictures~

34.Take selfies with strangers

35.Kiss a stranger

36.Get a makeover

37.Get a tattoo

38.Pierce my bellybutton~

39.Date a "bad boy"/someone my parents don't approve of

40.Watch a sunrise

41.Build a fort with a guy and make-out in it

42.Spend the night in the bed of a pickup truck

43.Have the ultimate Nerf war~

44.Spend the night in a tree fort

45.Lose my virginity

46.Ride in a cop car

47.Just enjoy life (not like you'll get out of it alive anyway)

48.Make-out against the side of a building

49.Get kicked out of a restaurant

50.Kiss underwater

51.Get drunk

52.Go to a high school party

53.Kiss in the rain

54.Go skinny dipping

55.Start a food fight

56.Get my license

57.Go to college/university

58.Own my own place

59.Make-out in an elevator

60.Have my heart broke

My Bucket ListWhere stories live. Discover now