Putting It Out

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Wulf stayed in the igloo, it wasn't so much that he was afraid of the wolf. It was more that he was curious about what was happening to Clari, her now yellow eyes were unfocused and her eyebrows seemed to get bushier and spread across her face nearly finished coating it in fur. The wolf outside howled, and he could hear it digging into the shelter whining anxiously all the while.

Wulf didn't say anything, shuffling to his bow and picking it up gripping it tightly. He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and crawled out into the blizzard, the wind battered him and the ice burned as it was blown past him. Visibility was extremely lownas he squinted, drawing his bow and spotting a great shape in the snow he let the arrow fly. the wind tossed the arrow aside like a harmless feather. So Wulf tried again, hearing the arrow whistle through the air.


Clari's vision blurred and her nose itched as the smell of dry blood reached her. It made her drool as she tried blinking away the shadows, then she realized the smell was her own blood in the small space. The pain in her arm was gone and she could put weight on it without a bolt of fire shooting up her arm. When the fog finally lifted her only thought was Out. Out. Without thinking about it she walked on all fours to the tunnel that would lead outside, she could smell wolf on the wind and eagerly bounded into the wind. Tumbling backwards with the force of the gale, she quickly recovered and followed the smell. She saw a familiar wolf, and started to walk to him when she heard a sharp whistle and a sharp yip and her eyes stretched wide the arrow burned her stomach. She collapsed into the snow and closed her eyes, it hurt to breathe.

The familiar wolf bounded to her, whining and licking her new wound, the old had healed.


Wulf dropped his bow, seeing a golden wolf drop to the ground and then a grey one run to it. He didn't know why but he ran to the fallen wolf, tears freezing on his face as he knelt beside the beautiful creature. He ignored the agitated growl of the grey wolf as he stroked the golden animal's head gently. It opened it's eyes, watching him calmly with still blue eyes. They were hidden from the wind by the igloo, it was a strange pocket of stillness that surrounded them.

A blinding light swayed toward the three of them and Wulf raised his hand to shield his eyes as it rocked foreward. He looked down at the gold wolf, the animal's breathing was laboured and it's lovely eyes closed as the light came closer.


"What a mess." The old lady muttered, drawing out the arrow with an steady hand. Wulf watched the arrow glisten in the firelight of the large cabin, he couldn't believe he had done something so terrible to such a beautiful animal. He wasn't worried about Clari, they had brought the bundle of blankets that was her sleeping self with them to the cabin as well.

"Will it survive?" he whispered, entranced by the sleeping animal.

The woman hissed a sign for him to be quiet, he shut his mouth, reaching for the small paw of the golden wolf. they were miniature compared to the Grey wolf's gargantuan sized paws. The grey wolf laid on the rug in front of the fireplace, he seemed at home, but he was tense like everyone else in the room.

The lady continued the operation. sewing up various innards and replacing them inside the wolf. Wulf was not bothered by this, but the massive wolf that took up the whole rug seemed squeamish and so he stared at the fire instead.

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