Burning Up

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Wulf paced, keeping a watchful eye on Clari. She was no longer thrashing but she was hot to the touch, Wulf didn't know what to do. All he knew was that it was too serious to just sleep off, he knew he had to do something. She was either going to die here or she could die trying. Wulf got down on his hands and knees and crawled out into the tunnel that had formed when the wind pushed snow over their igloo,  He could hear and feel the wind from where he was, it was definately strong and undeniably freezing cold.  

Wulf had checked all around the area for at least three miles, there was no trace of human life. He sagged, listening to the wind.

Clari opened her eyes, sitting up suddenly and looking around her. Seeing she was alone she started to panic, "Wulf?" she wasn't seeing what was actually in front of her, it was an illusion. She began to cry, monsters were closing in, gnashing their yellow teeth and lunging at her with their long dagger-like claws and howling madly. "Wulf?" she said, curling up in a ball shaking and crying; burning up.

She felt something grab her and she fought it thinking it to be one of the monsters when it was really Wulf trying to keep her still so she wouldn't mess up her arm more. "Shhh, it's okay. It's just me." he cooed, scooping her up like a baby and rocking her till she stopped crying. "They were getting me, they wanted to make me a monster." she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed, afraid to open them as she listened to Wulf's heart beat through the hood of her cloak. Or maybe it was her's? It was fast and hard, it was definately hers.

"Go to sleep, they will go away." Wulf chided, no longer rocking Clari.

"No, they come closer in my dreams don't let me fall asleep." Clari squeaked, she became more aware of the wind, it was louder than usual. "Okay, I won't let you fell asleep. Where did you get your bite?" Wulf asked, sitting with the wall of their shelter supporting his back while he cradled Clari.

Clari spluttered, taking a shuddering breath like one would make after crying for a while. "From The Wolf." she confessed, feeling intense heat around her wound.

"Why did it bite?" Wulf asked, taking the hand under Clari's knees and putting it to her forehead, she burning hotter than before. "We were j-just playing, he got angry and attacked m-me." she stuttered, her mind felt fuzzy and it was hard to think straight."I'm f-falling Wulf. Don't l-let me." she mumbled, a peaceful expression crossing her face before her neck slacked and her head tipped back. Finally asleep. Her chest rose and fell slowly, and her heart beat slowed to the normal rate.

Wulf breathed a sigh of relief, as he gently laid her back in bed and covered her up, careful of her arm.

He crawled back into the tunnel, listening to the wind and gathering his wits trying to figure out what was going on with Clari. He thought it was an infection, but when you had an infection did you see things? Things that weren't there? He scooted further out, he could see the white stripes of snow blazing accross the open space it was a calming  feeling. He closed his eyes, for just a minute he hadn't slept for at least a day and now he rested his cheek on the cold snow and slept.

It felt like hours, but he jumped awake hearing Clari breathing hard again. He looked outside one more time but he didn't see the snow. A pair a pale yellow eyes set on an intellegent but savage grey face stared at him from the opening, the animal's warm breath blew over Wulf and it crystalized in the air forming a warm cloud.

Wulf yelled in surprise, hurriedly scrambling out of the tunnel trying to connect with his instincs to run and the identification of the animal. "What was that?" he gasped, grabbing his knife and diving back into the hole. The animal was gone. Wulf scooted out of the tunnel and looked over at the curled shape of Clari she seemed okay now, but regardless he crawled over to Clari and felt her forehead. It was cooler now, he smiled in relief. Maybe her fever broke? Wulf thought sitting back on his feet, watching Clari turn on her side, facing him. Her facial expression changed from one of peace to one of determination.

Wulf watched there wasn't anything else to watch, she opened her eyes and his heart leaped to his throat. Her eyes were no longer blue but pale yellow, like the ones he had seen in the tunnel. He heard whining outside, like a dog.

"Wulf the monsters, they are outside I hear them." Clari said, closing her eyes and pulling her cloak around her shoulders. "The wolf it wants in, don't let it please." she pleaded, looking at Wulf sadly. She was afraid of everything it seemed.

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