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"Shush!" Yerin whispered, raising a finger to her lips, signalling the other five girls to be quiet. "I hear something!"

Upon hearing her, the others immediately stopped unpacking and fell silent, not daring to move an inch.

There were voices coming from the main entrance, followed by the sound of footsteps. Sojung grabbed the longest item in her reach -- which was an umbrella -- and got into a defensive position. Her heart pounded in her ribs as she slowly advanced towards the main door, which was where the voices were coming from. After taking a few cautious steps, she spotted a tall, slim figure talking to someone who was not in her line of vision. Sirens went off in her head,and she immediately charged forward. "Intruder! Get out!" She screamed while delivering painful blows to the "Intruder" with the umbrella.

The "Intruder" stumbled in pain and keeled over, falling on the cold, hard floor. Sojung stared down at the man she just hit, who was groaning in pain. Her eyes trailed down to his clothes, and they widened in shock when she realised what was sewn on his blazer.

Wait, what happened? Let's rewind to the beginning to find out.

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"Not bad, girls!" GFRIEND's dance instructor clapped and the 6 girls collapsed on the floor panting, having just completed a difficult choreography.

"That's all for today. Make sure you practice on your own for the competition next week!" He said before walking out of the dance studio, leaving the girls alone in the room.

They quickly packed up and left the dance studio. "Today was very tiring, wasn't it?" Eunha asked the others, taking large sips of water as they walked through the school corridors which were void of any noise, seeing that class had already ended for the day and all the students except them left the school campus.

"Mm. However, we have a competition in a week, so we have to practice especially hard this week." Sojung, the leader of the 6 girls said, wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Wait, who are we competing against next week again? I forgot." Yuna asked sheepishly as she blushed in embarrassment.

"We are against that group from BigHit, BTS." Yewon replied as they walked past the school gates and off the campus.

Everyone's smiles faded a little at the mention of BigHit. There was a huge rivalry between their school, Source Music Academy, and BigHit High School, but no one really knows why. There is a school rule that students from the different schools are not allowed to talk to each other, but that isn't really a problem, since students from both sides despise each other. The students from Source Music thought that all the students from BigHit were bratty and overconfident. The two schools are constantly competing, trying to best the other. Of course, many of the parents of students in each school are shocked that such a rule exists, but they don't transfer their child to another school; Source Music and BigHit were a few of the most prestigious schools in Seoul, so many are reluctant to transfer.

Yewon noticed the increased tension in the atmosphere, and instantly knew that she said the wrong thing. "Mianhae..." She mumbled.

Yerin could tell how nervous she was, and tried to calm her down. "It's okay, Yewon. You were just answering Yuna's question. Besides, don't be so sad. Aren't we moving today?"

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