Chapter 39

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Hogwart's Defense Professor a Death Eater, Found Dead at Ministry

The Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has all the wizarding parents in Britain to answer to today, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. The lifeless body of Adalbert Greebe, ex-Auror and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts, was found this morning in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic. Even more shocking was the discovery of the Dark Mark on Greebe's left forearm, identifying him as one of You-Know-Who's followers. The details surrounding Greebe's death remain unclear, though the Dark Mark hanging over his head suggests that he was murdered on You-Know-Who's orders.

It is not yet clear whether Albus Dumbledore knew of his Defense Professor's allegiances. Some at the Ministry, however, have suggested that he was willing to endanger his students in exchange for whatever information he could somehow extract from Greebe. "I just don't know what Dumbledore was thinking," said one tearful mother. "Letting a monster like that teach our children..."

It is ironic, indeed, that our children have apparently spent the last fifty days studying Defense Against the Dark Arts from a professor who may very well have used the Dark Arts. But those in the Ministry aren't laughing. "We've always worked closely with Dumbledore," said Auror Rufus Scrimgeour. "He's a good man, but I suspect his age has begun to effect his judgment. Hiring Greebe was a mistake—a potentially deadly mistake—and he has brought other dangerous persons into the school as well." Head Auror Alastor Moody had a different opinion: "You're a bunch of bumbling idiots who don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. Don't question Dumbledore; he knows exactly what he's doing."

But does he? The Daily Prophet can exclusively reveal that Greebe is not the only controversial wizard who has been residing at Hogwarts. Severus Snape, a fifth year Slytherin-turned-Gryffindor (see page 14A for a brief explanation and history of resortings), was, as Dumbledore announced to his frightened and bewildered students during the school's Welcoming Feast, a Death Eater, and a spy against You-Know-Who.

"Snape? He was the best ruddy informant we've ever had," said an Auror who did not wish to be identified. "He brought back more information in a week than the rest of our intelligence network in a year." But is a turncoat ever truly trustworthy? Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, doesn't think so. "The Minister herself has argued with Dumbledore about this," said Crouch. "A school filled with our precious and vulnerable children is no place to keep someone so dangerous. Snape has been the target of at least two Death Eater attacks since the school year started, he's putting the other children in danger—and that's not to mention the danger hehimself poses; he's a Death Eater, after all, and may be mentally unstable and prone to violence." Eyewitnesses have reported seeing Snape during the Diagon Alley raid last summer, as well—yet another unsolved question that leads those at the Daily Prophet to question Snape's loyalties.

Severus dropped the paper to the table and sighed.

"Gone a bit off-topic there, hasn't she?" Sirius said. "I thought the article was on Greebe, not you."

"I'm more interesting," Severus said dryly. "I'm not dead."

"I wonder who the next professor will be," James mumbled through a mouthful of oatmeal. "I hope they're good."

"There was an article on that in here somewhere," Remus said, grabbing their copy of the Prophet and flipping through the pages. "The Minister appointed some secretary from Crouch's staff, since they're so mad about the way Greebe turned out and because it was such short notice... I think it's a lady."

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