Chapter 36

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The Care and Keeping of Severus Snape

After five and a half days unconscious in the Hospital Wing and four and a half days recuperating, Severus was allowed to return to classes. That was what Andromeda had said. She had not said he was "better," because even Remus—who had only the vaguest concept of Legilimency and was certainly not capable of reading minds—would have known it was a lie.

If Remus had occasionally fretted over the Severus who'd gone into the Hospital Wing, it was nothing compared to how he worried about the Severus who had come out.

This Severus was thinner, frailer, paler, and flinched at every gust of wind. He spent too much time staring into the fire, or the sky, or empty space. He spent his nights as Skittles, curled up on Remus' pillow; during the day he rarely spoke and never smiled. He was snappish even with the other Marauders, and had reduced five first-years to tears in as many days. Though he dutifully took the nutrition potions Andromeda sent him, he ate even less than before. His hands trembled, he seemed constantly tired, and his eyes...

His eyes made Remus want to hug him, call for Dumbledore, and murder Garridan Snape, all at once.

The only good news was that Davey and Frank, after having the situation explained to them, were very considerate about the whole affair. Alice—along with most of Gryffindor house—followed Frank's lead, and gave Severus plenty of space. Or maybe they'd seen the results of his latest row with Sirius, and were just trying to avoid being hexed. Lily, who could not stand to see anyone looking so upset, was actively working with the Marauders as they tried to coax Severus out of whatever darkness he'd retreated to, despite being subjected to a toenail-extending hex and some sort of translation charm that had her speaking in gibberish for three hours.

James—who had been avoiding Severus like nundu's breath ever since an encounter that left him with no fingers and some impressive cleavage—had gone on his knee in the middle of the common room, declared her the bravest Gryffindor of all in a stirring speech that equated bravery to sexiness, and offered to reward her with a kiss. Or seventeen.

She must have managed some sort of conversation with Severus, because soon afterwards James was also sporting elongated toenails.

Yet Remus worried. Severus continued to not-improve, and it had been days, and they were having absolutely no luck whatsoever... But Severus was the least of his problems tonight; tonight was the full moon.

The door to the Shrieking Shack's bedroom creaked open and there Padfoot, Prongs and Skittles stood, framed by the darkness of the landing outside. Remus smiled at them. "You might as well change back; you're ridiculously early." James and Sirius flopped onto the bed beside him, sending tiny clouds of dust through the air; Severus curled up by the pillows and ran a hand wearily over his eyes... and suddenly Remus could not stand it anymore.

"For Merlin's sake, Severus, could you just tell us what's wrong?"

Severus stiffened. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know what I'm talking about. What did you see under Insomemoria that's messed you up so badly?"

Severus didn't remove his hand from his eyes. He wrapped his other arm around himself and didn't say a word.

Sirius leaned forward. "Talking about it helps, Sev—"

"There's nothing to talk about," Severus hissed. "And if you continue to persist in this inane, misguided, impudent—Gryffindorish—attempt to—to—" Sirius frowned and moved closer, raised his hand to gesture... His sleeve brushed Severus' and Severus flinched backwards, instantly silent.

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