Chapter 5

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She couldn't understand what was happening to her life. Malik always calling her, texting her and coming to her house. And Jalil always sending his sister Walida telling her how much her brother loves her and so on.

She couldn't think straight for she had never experienced such a think.she had never being in love so she doesn't know how it feels. She still don't know who to choose, she's confused and Nooriya wasn't helping on the matter.

She till doesn't seem right, the thing doesn't look like real, Governor of kaduna state was in love with her? And the president's son, Malik's Airline? She's just a common Batool Aliyu kura that doesn't have anything, her father was no one in this country, but then why her? Why must it be her?

Sitting at a restaurant at 7:00pm alone, Nooriya has to go home because her father wanted to see her so she left Batool at the restaurant. She begged to drop Batool home but she declined saying that she'd be fine.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't know her phone was ringing.
The person called for the third time before Batool jerked from her trance of thought quickly picking the call.

Hello ya Batool" it was maimuna.
Sister love, how are you? Batool asked smiling. How she missed her family.

I'm good sister, how's school? Maimuna asked from the other end.
School Alhamdulillah, almost done"  Batool replied.

Allah ya bada saa yaya, when are you coming back, muna missing dinki wallahi"Maimuna said.

Allah sarki muuna, I'll come back soon, hutun first semester zan dawo insha Allah" Batool smiles.
Where's Ummi? She asked.

Gata nan" Maimuna said handing the phone over to their mother.

Baiwar allah kin guje ni" Ummi chuckled.
Haba Ummi na, taya zan guje ki? I was just chocked up with school things kinsan level 400 se a slow" Batool muttured smiling upon hearing her mother's voice. She missed her!

Allah ya bada sa'a Batoolu na" Ummi chuckled softly.
They talked for about 30 minuets before realization dawned on her that she wasn't at home and it was 7:30pm already. She bade her mother and her sister goodbye before ending the call.

She packed her bag and quickly walked out of the restaurant. She stood in front of the restaurant for almost 20 minuets but there was no any sign of a cab. She huffed and decided to start trekking before getting a cab.

The road was dead silent and dark with just the little glimpse of the moonlight.

Walking down the street, she felt a chill run through her as she had no idea where she was going, she just knew it was her way home.

Who would she choose? Malik or Jalil? How would she approach her parents with this? How would they take it? If she choose Malik how would Jalil feel? If she choose Jalil how would Malik feel?

Her thick though blurred her focus, making her in attentive to the surroundings. She'd ran into something-more like someone-soft, and unexpectedly it cut off her droning thought. She froze in her spot and looked down. She heaved a sight when she saw it was a cat though she hated cats so she continued walking.

She could hear the street light buzzing above her as she walked down the avenue. She pulled her scarf closer to her neck as an icy breeze blew her direction, holding her arms around myself. She rubbed her biceps through her shirt in an attempt to warm herself up. It was December!

She heard a soft whoosh of air behind her and spun around. She could see some random guys almost 4 of them coming closer to her. She just shivered, yet suddenly had forgotten the necessity to warm herself up. Nerves caught in her throat as the sinking feeling she had had all day arose. Becoming more prominent.

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