Chapter 6

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They approached one of the many sets of double doors and stood. She opened the door revealing a Marvelous room, it wasn't up to the first room she was in though this one was too girly.

Clothes were everywhere in the room, she followed her into her messy room and looked around.

Sorry for the mess, my son did it this morning and I've not call the maids yet" rahma said with a smile as she tried picking up her clothes that irfan spreads around her room just because she refused to give him his chocolate. It was too early to start taking sweets!

Batool's eyes widened at what she said, so this young looking lady was already married and even have a child? Her curiosity got the best of her so she asked.
You have a child?"

Rahma chuckled and muttered "yes, 2 year old child. Batool just nodded not knowing what to say next.
Follow me" rahma said as she started walking.

Batool followed her into her bathroom. It was similarly themed to match the silver room.
She was looking through her cabinets and pulled out a rag but no gauze. Batool frowned her brows and watched as she wet a rag.

Here" she took a step away from the sink.
You can sit on the sink"

She did as she asked and sat down beside the sink on the marble countertop. She gently raised Batool's chin with a finger.

I want to clean the blood on your face, it was too late yesterday and I didn't want to wake you up that's why I just changed your clothes and left these for today" rahma explained and gave her a smile, a gentle smile.

Batool kept her eyes on her, that's when she saw how she looked exactly like her brother, but the truth was Hakeem is more handsome. She stayed silent as she turned her face sideways, rahma held her wet rag and dapped it on the side of her mouth and she sucked in a sharp breath.

My name is Batool" she told her, finding it easy to speak to her because she knew she wouldn't harm her now.

Nice to meet you Batool though I already know your name" rahma chuckled making Batool's eyes wide.
And I'm Rahma" she added.

She kept talking as she cleaned all the bruises on Batool's face and some on her hand.

Do you love my brother? Rahma asked, now they were back into the bedroom.
Batool gasped and she saw as Rahma's lips curved upwards the slightest bit, showing a faint smile.

But seriously Batool I like you, and I'd like you to be the daughter in law of this house, I'm sure our mother would like you too" Rahma blabbered as she scanned the beautiful dresses that was hung across her room.

Batool was speechless, what did she expect her to say? She cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably on the bed which made Rahma to smile at that.
She finally pulled out a pink beautiful dress with black stones all over it, she smiled and walked towards Batool dropping it beside her on the bed.

This would look nice on you, go get dress I'll drop you off, I'm also going to work" Rahma said walking out of the room.
Batool huffed and sauntered into the washroom to got fresh.

She came out of the bathroom and met Rahma and a little boy which she guessed it was her son sitting on the bed with a tray beside them. She was holding an iPad and the little boy was smiling widely at the iPad.
Granny I mishh you" she heard the little boy said making Batool to smile before walking into the toilet. They were definitely talking to Rahma's mother!

She finished dressing up and sauntered out of the closet. They were still talking with the person on the iPhone.

Umma she's here, ku gaisa" Rahma chuckled passing the iPad to Batool. Her eyes widened as she shook her head pushing the iPad away from her face but then she heard the woman saying "Haba daughter in law, won't you talk to your mother?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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