The best weekend ever

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So Derek walked in and asked " I bet your cat gets lonely when your gone?" "Yes'' I asked a little bit curious. "Well I got a surprise for you" He said with a big grin on his face. He opened the box and took out this 4week old kitten that was a whitish gray with strips on his tail." Oh my god, he is so cute, thank you soo much you didn't have to do that" I exclaimed. " I think I am going to name him Bernie" I said. Bernie warmed up to Sergio quickly I also show him where the litter box, food dish, and water where. I know I would have to pick up poop for a while and wipe up the pee but I did the same thing with Sergio. After I showed the cat the liter box one more time me and Derek went out for pizza and he got a meat lovers and I got a cheese. I am not a big fan of meat but I will eat it. We then went to see The Other Women. It was his idea actually it was a really good movie. I dropped Derek off "thanks for the kitty see you at work tomorrow" I said, " your welcome love you" he said giving me a kiss. Love you I replied giving him another kiss. I went home and there was only one spot he pooped on the floor. I got a call from Hotch saying he was coming over to run over some paper work. "sure why not I will be here want me to order anything for dinner" I asked " sure idk you can order Chinese if you like it" he answered. " I love it, it should be here the same time you are" I told him. about 20 mins later Hotch showed about with the food and said " I paid for it for you" "thanks but you didn't have to tell them" I told him. Then we went over a couple of case and he helped me pick out a case for tomorrow and showed me how we would pick a case if there where multiplies to choose from. I choose the one that was in New York. There was women that were going missing and where forced to have the mans baby. If it was a boy they would kill the girl and the baby if it was a girl they would keep the mom locked up in the basement and kidnaped the baby. " Good choice" he remarked. " You should be a good profiler" he told me " thanks " I answered. He was getting ready to leave and said " don't forget, we start at 7:30 tomorrow I want to leave early and want to get on the plane by 8:10" " we need to inform everyone else to" " ok I will call Derek and JJ" I told him and with that he left and I called Derek and JJ right away to tell them to be there at 7:30. I also told the that Hotch let me pick the case. After I got up the phone I put in legally blondes and made some popcorn. By around 9 I headed to bed. I got up at 6 and got ready and left for work. Everyone was briefed on the plane. Then when we landed me and Hotch headed to the police station while Derek and Reid headed to the ditch that the frist body was dumped. JJ and Rossi went to the Connor and got the results of the Health. We called Garcia and told her to run the partial license plate against records and to look up the numbers of the license plate number with blue vans because that's what car he drived. Then he kidnaped a another girl but he did not like her because he let her live but cut her and raped her still. Me and JJ meet her in the hospital because we though she would feel more comfortable talking to us instead of the boys. She told us everything that he did. Then we asked if she could remember what he looks like. " Yes I can remember exactly what he looks like." We took he description and gave it to Garcia. Garcia called " hey with the description and the Licenses plate we got a match on your freak" " his name is Frank and he lives at 213 oaksdale drive." "thanks Garcia" Morgan replies. We head to his address and we catch him about to rape another girl but this one only look like she was a teenager. We bring her to the hospital to make sure she i fine and then we head back to the police station an ring the offender in. We lock him up and then pack up your stuff. We head to the get and the plane ride is only like an hour long. We land and by the time we get back it is already the weekend again. We all head home to enjoy our weekend. At least that's what we thought...

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