The Escape

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I got home ready to lay down and enjoy a move woth my cats when the phone rang. It was JJ " hey Em i am sorry to bother you but the man we just put in jail escaped and raped another girl and we need to leave because he left state and the track him down in califorina, we need to leave in 30 so meet us on the plane." " ok i will get my bag and be there soon" I responded. I got the duffle bag and pack some clean colths and other needed things. Ask the neighbors if they can take car of my cats for me. I got in my car and drove to the airport where the plane was waiting. Hotch, rossi, JJ where already there we were just waiting for me and they said that we were just going to Cali and Derek, Reid, and Garica where going to check out his house and look through his computer. Thats why Garica was going with so she could dig up his past life. We arrived in Califorina during a bad storm. It was so bad they almost had to land us in Arizona. Once we got into the Sacramento airport we headed over to the police station not fast because the roads where slippery and if we went to fast we could have got hurt. After we get to the station we get a call from Derek telling us they have landed and are heading to the police station now. When they got there they put Garica in a room to go through the computer to see if he had any realition in califorina and why he went back. While she did that Reid read through his 80 jounrals. Derek asked the dective to take him to the house so he can look for some more evidence anything that stood out to him. Once we get back to the poloce station Hotch asked me to go to the hosiptle to ask the girl some questions. I drive over to the hosiptle and go to her room. " Hi im Emily Prentiss, i would like to ask you a few questions about what happened the other night," " sure i dont mind I want to help you cathc the man who did this" she replied. "Ok first close your eyes and i am going to take you back to the night at park. Can you tell me whats going on." I asked. " it was cold and windy and as i was about to grab my sweater i herad a nosie come from behind meI turn around but no one is there. Then right As i was about to leave he grabed me from behind." She tells me getting scared. " relax he cant hurt you know you are safe in here. If you would like to we can stoap" she said no i want to cointine. " He grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground. I couldnt see his face because he had a mask on that looked like the same mask that Jason wore. He smelled like smoke and his breath reaked of fish." She finished and told me thats all she could remember. " Thank you for helping us it will help us a lot. I get back to the police station and tell Hotch and JJ what she said and how he know is wearing a mask. I told them it looked like Jasons mask. Then we got a call from Reid saying that he was done with the journals and Garica was done with the serch. He wrote about how his mother always abused he and how he had no friends. But what Garica said was worse " it says here on. police records is that he was forced to wear a jason mask while his mom and her friend raped him. His dad could do nothing about it because he died right before he was born." " Thanks Garcia." JJ said and with that she hung up and Garica sent us papers. Two weeks had past and we had 2 victims but this time they didn't survive. Finally right before he was about to rape another girl, we caught him and brought him in. We all gathered on the plane and met the others back home. When we got back it was about 2:30 am on Saturday. Derek drove me home and he walked me in and we both passed out on my couch. The next day we snuggled with each other and watched a movie with the cats. JJ invited us to a party for her son Henry on Sunday. Derek stayed with me for one more night. The next day we got up and got ready for the party.



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