Chapter 1

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Crickets chirped and the night was cold, winter had fallen on Earth and the inner cities were dealing with the usual below freezing weather. And this city, New Alexandria, got a lot of snow. The city was named after the famous one on Reach, one of the many reminders that were built on Earth.

But like every city there was crime, and like every city with crime there was someone to stop it.

"Come on! Get them inside!" A man hissed, he had a short beard with greasy long blonde hair covered by a beanie. He was standing by a warehouse door holding it open, the men he was yelling to were opening the back of a moving van. Two men wearing black coats with beanies as well, one with brown hair and another bald, opened the back sliding door to reveal multiple people tied up.

OoO SkyGuy4240 Presents OoO

Specifically three women. Their hands were tied behind their backs and they had gags in their mouths, their eyes were watery as they knew what was coming. They were friends, hanging out at a bar on Wednesday night before these men slipped drugs into their drinks.

The two men grabbed the women and led them out of the truck, their cries and muffled screams becoming more desperate as they went. One of them tried to kick at one of the men only to be hit in the face with brass knuckles, she became quiet as tears streamed down her face along with blood from the cut next to her eyebrow.

The men walked into the small warehouse as the third closed the door, he locked it and turned on the lights. The three women panicked as they saw tables soaked in juices that were no doubt cum and tools on the wall, both for pleasure and killing.

They forced them onto the tables and tied them down, they began to struggle only to get groped by one of the men as they prepared. They grabbed scissors and began to cut down a blonde woman's shirt, once it was cut all the way to the seam they moved on to yank her pants and panties off. She began to cry more along with the others as they began to rub her, the lights flickered briefly and the men paused.

The bald one looked to the blonde man and sighed, "Really Joey? Did you not pay the fucking bill?"

"Yes I did Smith, not without having to get more money because Flint forgot to give me his cut." He said motioning to the the brown haired man, the man shrugged and moved to take his pants off. As he zipped them down and began to pull them off the light cut out with an echoing slam, the men reached into their pockets and pulled out small metal squares. As they lifted them up a blue holographic screen lit up along the sides of it, they then turned on their flashlights with their Holophones.

Joey ran his hand over the blonde girls rear and she tried to pull away, "We'll continue soon, we have to check the breakers. Don't go anywhere." He chuckled.

The three men jumped as the door to the warehouse was thrown off of it's hinges, the door flew past them and into the back wall. They watched as a figure walked into the building with a gun, they pulled small arms from their pockets and began to fire at the figure. It walked through the gunfire and with the flashlights discarded on the floor the three girls could only see when the flashes of guns fired.

The figure held up its assault rifle and sprayed into one of the men, "Flint!" Joey yelled as he took a knife and ran towards the figure. It grabbed his arm and stuck its gun barrel into his stomach, he pulled the trigger and didn't stop until the bullets shot out of the other end of the man and into the final man, Smith.

The lights flickered to life and the three girls screamed in horror, there was guts and blood all over the floor and some was dripping off of the figure. It was without a doubt a man, in dark gray almost black armor with a reflective gold visor. The women were still scared and horrified but calmed at the knowledge that those men had been killed by a spartan. The man hit the release on his standard issue UNSC assault rifle and the sound of the plastic magazine echoed around the warehouse, he pulled out a fresh mag and popped it in before chambering the bullets.

The blue screen flashed blue with '36' to show the man how much ammunition was left. The girls looked at him and analyzed what he looked like as he seemed to be doing something or thinking, as he stood still. His armor was sleek and seemed to fit to him like a tight shirt, there were thin white lights on his chest and legs and a knife holster laid on the left side of his chest. The UNSC logo was barely visible in black on the left side of his chest and on his right arm in black letters was 'S115'.

He looked to them and they saw their reflection in his visor, he reached up and placed his assault rifle on his back as he pulled out his knife. He walked towards them and their eyes widened before he cut the ropes tying them down, they sat up and the blonde girl covered herself from view. 

He reached over to all of them as they sat on one table, he pulled the gags from their mouths and flung them onto the floor. He held his left arm out bent in front of him, he ran his right hand over his left forearm and a blue holographic screen came up. Blue light flashed on his arm pointing towards the women before they scanned them, the women blinked from the bright blue lights.

He looked at the identification and nodded, he reached down and picked up the girls clothes and handed them to her. She took them and put them on, "Thank you so much, those filthy men deserve to be killed by a spartans hand!"

He looked to her and nodded shallowly as he made a noise of acknowledgement, a mix between a hum and a grunt.


He pulled the magnum from his thigh and shot all three women in the head, their dead bodies fell off of the table and into the pile of blood and bodies. He stepped over them as he placed his pistol back onto his thigh, he looked back to the screen on his arm and re-read the information. 

Bonny Sanders, drug dealer and illegal arms seller. He looked at her dead body and checked off her name.

Brittney Smithers, illegal arms dealer. He checked her off.

Bethany Black, charged for five murders, illegal arms dealer. He nodded slightly and checked her name off.

He shut off the lights using his holographic screen before turning it off and walking out of the building.

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Authors Note:

Incase you were wondering, the armor is like Noble 6's armor.

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