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I heard Zia's frantic voice and ran into the room. What I saw made me want to kill set. I saw my brother being whipped by set. Carter was hanging by his arms from the ceiling. Getting whipped repeatedly by set. Carter looked down and said "Zia Sadie help set revenge hurts" he said before he was whipped on the cheek and then screamed. I ran from the room crying. I ran to my room and slammed the door closed. I heard the door open and turned to see Walt. Gods he was hot. Walt sat down and I just wanted to stay in his arms forever. "What happened?" He asked with a wary tone. "Carter is being tortured. Set is whipping him. Zia saw it in a skrying bowl." I sobbed into his chest. He sighed and rubbed my back soothingly. We stayed like that for a while and I never wanted to leave his arms. It was soon time for bed and I cried myself to sleep. As soon as I was asleep, I saw Zia's ba get pulled towards a room. I saw an unconscious Carter hanging by his arms still. Set then decided to let Carter fall to the ground. He landed with a sickening thud and crunch. I winced. Set walked over to his body and picked it up. Spit in his face and threw him across the room. I then woke up. I got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast. I stared at my food as if it were very interesting. We went to CHB and were met by Chiron. "What's wrong ?" he asked we walked into the big house. He called a meeting. "Now Sadie explain to us what happened." Chiron said. "In a nutshell Set the god of evil kidnap Carter to get revenge. He is torturing him as we speak." I said with a sob. "Rachel do you have a prophecy?" Chiron said. As soon as he said the word prophecy Rachel spewed out green mist.

"Retrieve the pharaoh from the place of red sands

The kids of the gods shall go to foreign lands

The god of evil and chaos unite

The demigods will help the magicians fight

The eye of Horus and eye of Isis will fight him again

With help from the host of the sun and the dead"

She said. Then collapsed in the stoll brothers arms who put her in a chair.

"Sadie you should lead a quest. You can choose who will go. Does anyone volunteer? Walt, Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico, Piper, Jason, and I all raised our hand. "Ok. It's settled you will all leave tomorrow. " He said. Then we were dismissed. Chiron left the room so that we could plan. Leo said " we have 8 total rooms and there are 12 people so Hazel and Piper. Frank and Walt. Jason and I. Sadie and Zia will bunk. Percy, Annabeth, Nico and Carter when we find him will have there own room."He said. And then left. I was left in the room lost in thought. I finally opened a portal and told the news to the inmates. They were ok that I was leaving. I left Bast and Jaz in charge. I stayed the night and fell asleep after I packed. I had another dream. I saw that Carter's clothes were reduced to red rags. I realized that when he was kidnaped he was wearing white. He was bleeding a lot. He was unconscious and hanging from his arms. Set left the room and Carter opened an eye. He had a look of determination on his face. His face soon beaded with sweat and he then turned into a battered hawk he tried to fly through the cell bars but his left wing broke and he fell head first. Luckily he was only 4 feet above the ground but was knocked into unconsciousness. "Carter wake up you were about to escape." I yelled. His arm was at an unnatural angle. I sighed and pulled my staff out of duat. "Hi'nem I said and his arm healed. He woke up as Set walked in. "Agh." He said. "trying to escape are you?" well I'll fix that. In a red flash Carter was hung above a pool of sharks. Blood was dripping off of his body. I screamed bloody murder "CCCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR." I yelled hoping he would wake up. He stirred and looked down he saw the sharks and his face lost all color. He looked up and moaned "Sadie!"then passed out. I woke up with Jaz shaking me. I was crying and screaming. "What happened to you. You were screaming and crying when I was walking by your room." Jaz said. "Did you have a dream?"she asked with sisterly love. " Carter tried to escape He turned into a hawk and fell. Then set walked in and dangled Carter above a shark tank letting blood drip off of his body. It was awful." I sobbed. "Jaz will you come with us? You're the best healer that I know. Carter's going to need a lot of help." I asked hopefully. She thought about it. "Yes. I'll go tell Bast and the inmates." she said. I got dressed. Dressed and packed for Carter. I packed him his wand, staff, khopesh, a clean pair if clothes and a couple of books. I opened a portal for Jaz and I to CHB and we walked to the big house. I saw Zia on fire and Leo conforting her being the only nonflammable person. Her eyes were as red and puffy as the flames on her body. "He tried to escape but fell and broke his arm. It was mended by"- "Me" I said. "I fixed his arm." Zia continued " Sadie fixed his arm and and set walked in, he saw Carter and then suspended him above a tank of sharks with blood dripping off of his body. Then he passed out." Zia sobbed. I knew Carter liked her but I didn't know she liked him. Oh I miss that dweeb of a brother. (What Carter it was true.)


I woke up in tattered clothes that were red with my blood. I looked down and saw a pool of sharks. All were very hungry. The sight made me pass out.

When I woke up I was med with a whip to my face and I saw set drop me. He had two bottles. Both of them said Alcohol. He opened them and poured them on me. I screamed in pain. He laughed as if this were a funny joke and not a torture session. I felt myself crying. I wanted to get out of there. My hawk attempts didn't work but what if I maintained an invisibility spell. No he's a god he would see that. I remember being picked up and was punched in the back of my head several times then I passed out.


Zia packed for a quest early and decided to stay at camp half blood. It was night time and I went to sleep. I didn't have any dreams that night which is weird being a demigod. I woke up to a screaming. I ran outside with riptide uncapped as I saw what was happening. The big house was on fire which I quickly put out. I saw Zia on fire next to Leo who was comforting her she soon was crying and talking about swing Carter being dangled above a shark tank. I shuddered. I could imagine how Zia felt. Leo was comforting Zia when Sadie walked through a door like portal. She brought another girl who looked like Sadie except without the highlights. Sadie explained that this was Jaz their healer who she brought along to heal Carter when we found him. She would bunk with Annabeth. Then we set off in the Argo II

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