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"Okay, so we'll meet back at the car in an hour, that sound alright with you?" Rose asked, fixing her light brown hair into a ponytail.

I nodded, "Fine with me. If you want to leave earlier, or something happens, you know where to find me."

"Right, by the jewelry section, most likely in Luke's stand," Rose said, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Wow! You know me so well!" I joked, waving to my sister before turning around, walking into the large parking lot.

You wouldn't be able to tell that it was a parking lot by the looks of it, though. It was covered with large tents of all sizes and shapes. They weren't the kind that you camped in, they were the kind you set up so that the sun doesn't absolutely fry you, which was a thing you needed to be weary of here in California during the summer.

I loved coming here, it was a flea market that me and my sister had found almost a year ago, and we came almost every time that it was here, which was two times a week.

Now, it wasn't nessacarily a flea market where people bring their old stuff, it was more of a place where small businesses came to sell their stuff, trying to become more popular among people.

Me, being me, only came for the jewelry, specifically hand jewelry. I usually came here just to browse, and always ended up buying a ring or two, but today was different, I knew exactly what kind of ring I wanted, and I knew exactly where to go for it.

I wanted a mood ring, and I was going to buy one at Luke's stand.

Although I loved all the little businesses that sell any type of hand jewelry, I couldn't help but hold a special place in my heart for a business that was owned by a boy with the name Luke.

He sold jewelry, but unlike the other stands that sold it also, he had only rings. It was quite obvious why he was my favorite.

Not only did he sell what I liked, but he was also a very kind person. I was one of his regulars, and over the time that I've spent at his stand, you could say that we had become mutuals.

Now, you might be asking, why does she want a mood ring? Doesn't she know those things don't actually work? Isn't that a bit childish for her?

Well, for starters, I want a mood ring because I've honestly never had one before, and I think it's definitely a necessary part of a ring collection. Yes, I know they don't actually work, and yes, they are a bit childish, but why should I care?

I felt my heart start beating quicker, and a smile formed on my lips as Luke's stand came into sight. The small tent was in its usual spot in a corner of the large parking lot, tucked away inbetween different jewelry stands.

My feet started to walk faster, my entire body suddenly feeling more energized. This is why I loved rings so much, not only did they make me feel amazing while wearing them, but they also sent shocks of excitement throughout my body while shopping for them, which felt even better.

As I got closer to the stand though, something stopped me in my tracks.

The person standing behind the table of rings wasn't Luke. I mean, it was possible that he could've done his hair differently, but I highly doubted it. There was no way that he would ever change his hairstyle, I didn't know him that well, but I could tell that he took very good and close care of his hair. He was fixing it twenty-four seven, so it was quite obvious.

But, no matter what possibilities ran through my mind, I knew that Luke definitely wasn't here today.

My feet started moving again, but slower this time. I wasn't exactly sure why the uneasy feeling in my stomach had appeared, I mean, it wasn't like Luke was gone forever or something, he was probably just taking a day off, and had one of his workers take over. Plus, it wasn't like the new guy standing in Luke's place would do anything to me, he would just bag up the ring I bought, and handle my money I used to pay for it.

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