Chapter 1: Amnesia

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A/N: My first Mulan fanfiction. I loved this movie since I was a kid. The sequel did not really disappoint me, along with "The Lion King" sequel. I've been obsessed with older Disney movies these days, so I even wrote some one-shot chapters of shipping Disney characters. May not have published them yet but will eventually.

You may not be used to this setting in the beginning, but I hope some of you enjoy this story. Anyways, I digress. Here comes nothing...

~After the end of Mulan 1~

Several days after people were out of the palace after heroic event by Mulan, there was a hand popped out from the bottom of the part of the palace that was destroyed by the firework. Shan Yu was still alive. Parts of his face was covered with burned wounds. He let out a huge cough. He groaned as he crawled out of the destroyed woods, crumbled bricks, and piles of debris.

"Wha... where am I...?" Shan Yu asked himself. "What am I doing here? Did something happen to me? Why was I buried underneath here? And... who am I...?" Shan Yu survived, somehow, but he now got amnesia that he forgot what happened before and who he is supposed to be. After he completely crawled out from the piles of debris, he dusted himself and coughed out anything that was in his mouth. When he stood up, he felt so... tall and stocky. "Was I always this tall and stocky...?" Shan Yu asked himself, forgotten his own physique. When he looked at his clothes, it was covered with burned holes. He wondered what happened to him before he got amnesia and continued to cough as there was still dusts left in his mouth, and possibly in his throat. "I need to find some people. They'll know how to help me." He decided to exit the palace. In fact, he did not realize that he was in a palace before he looked up. When he did he saw a part of the palace destroyed by the fire. I must have fallen from there... Shan Yu theorized as he analyzed the destroyed part of the palace. Even though it was pretty dark, he was able to see the fanciness of the palace. He was awed by the view as the red and gold palace stood proud and strong. Before he can be amazed more, he realized that he needed to get out of where he was so that he can seek for help.

As he walked, his body sore everywhere. He massaged his arms and shoulders as he walked. While he walked, he paused to massage his feet, calves, and thighs. "Oooo... pain..." Shan Yu groaned as he massaged the parts where it sore. After he felt that the soreness was gone enough, he continued to walk out of the palace.

Even though it seemed way passed bed time, there were still houses that had lights on. Shan Yu knocked on one of them. A man came out to open the door for someone knocking on the door. When he opened the door, he stood still with fear. "Hello, sorry to bother you late at night, but I need a place to stay." As soon as Shan Yu finished his words, the man slammed the door, and locked it.

Not knowing why the man slammed the door on him, he tried another home, just to get the same results. After being rejected twice, he did not feel like asking more people. "I'll just try again tomorrow, and get help from someone who's willing to help me." Shan Yu gave up and decided to walk away from all the houses and find another place to sleep. Before he searched for a place to sleep, he looked for a nearest water well to wash some dust on his face and quench his thirst. When he found one, he took a bucket full of water and poured water on his face. Although the wounds from the burn stung a little, he felt more refreshed when the water washed the majority of the dirt off his face. "Ahhh..." he sighed with relief as the last drop of water dropped down from his face. He took another bucket full of water. This time, he opened his mouth wide and slowly poured water into his mouth. He first gargled some debris and dirt out of his mouth and then took a drink. "Whoo..." he sighed with relief again as his throat no longer felt dry. Realizing that he was hungry, he took more bucket full of water to fill his stomach with water to relieve his hunger at least by a little bit.

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